HG and I ventured across the south to the Atlantic ocean to come visit Chris. I wasn't too happy about driving (even though it was my idea) but upon arrival, I am. The airport here as been a nightmare. Flights canceled, friends put on taxis for hours only to arrive to other airports and not have a seat on a flight, no car rentals, no luggage. I'm sure there are a few other things I am leaving out but those are the ones that stuck out from friend. Like I said, I was in shock when I arrived in this town I had never heard of. I came in around 7, in the misty rain on the eastern part of town only to drive through areas that I was personally scared to even pump gas. I just knew something was going to go wrong and we would be stranded in this scary place. We maneuvered our way to the Hotel and found it to be quite satisfying upon pulling up. We noticed photographers clicking away at a wedding, ladies dressed in their Sunday best for a dinner party and a basketball team gearing up for a game. Everything sparkled and reminded me of a nice resort. The smell, the grounds, the welcoming committee, the amount of people present, even our room. We're able to park not too park from our room, on the same level and use our room key to gain access. This is perfect for bringing in bags and groceries that we might need. Our room is large with a king bed, lounge area, big roll away bed for HG, dresser, two night stands, a desk area, fridge, microwave, closet and then a separate bathroom. The bathroom could be a little larger but we aren't spending much time in there. HG has tons of toys, her new ride "Suzy", and large coloring books scattered all over the place. House keeping comes in daily to tidy things up and exchange our items. Usually when staying long term at a hotel, they come in about one a week. I am very thankful they come each day here as HG enjoys making a mess. I actually clean the room up before the housekeeper arrives so she can do her job easier. The only down fall of the hotel is that it is old even though updated. Being old means thin wall, loud air conditioning and we are also next to the ice and coke machines. It it loud at all hours.
On Sunday, Chris was off so we slept in and then ventured out for a bit. The temperature here has been quite cold so we fought with HG to wear a jacket. I was determined to find save areas, nicer areas and things for HG and I to do. I guess we just had to go west. Lunch at Jason's Deli, strolls around the mall, driving through neighborhoods (good and bad), evening nap, dinner at OTB (yucky still!) and an early bedtime gave Chris the rest he needed. While driving around, we found many shops and things to do. We also drove up the the Military Base and was shocked at the enormous size. I expected it to be much smaller. The base is about to add 35,000 more people including two really high ranking Generals. Aspen Creek will hopefully benefit from all the families on the base.
Along with Fort Bragg (Military base), Fayetteville also is the home to Pope Air force Base. When around, you see all these brave men and women and you can't help but he thankful for each and everyone of them. I can't say I have ever been in a town where their presence was so strong. Everywhere you look, you see men and women in uniform. They are this town.
Monday rolled along and was quite the busy day. Chris had to head in before lunch since it was opening day and we did the laundry. Wow, the laundry. We shout have found the closest laundry facility but once again I wasn't familiar with the area and a lot of it scared me. There are two washers for a large conference hotel and two dryers but only one is working. These aren't large washers either. They are your typical top loading washers and they just washer a little faster and dry a little slower. After many hours of trips back and forth between our room and the washer/dyer, lots of clothes hanging to dry an many quarters, we were finished. A quick nap and we were off to Aspen Creek for dinner. It was their opening night and it was great to be part of it. While we should have ordered something we can't get in Irving, we dined on traditional AC food. Just makes us have to enjoy dinner up there again before we leave. :) Shrimp and grits I hear are a must. I am encouraging a Green Chile Mac and Cheese for our store. YUM - O! Chris closed the building down with the MP here, hung out for a bit and then came in around 2. Much to his surprise, I was still up. I think they were having a dance party above us, his trainers in the other tower were out on their balconies (in the freezing weather) and I was watching TLC. Then he started snoring...I saw the clock hit 4:30 and that is the last I remember.
Today came much sooner than I would have liked. The sun shines right in our room and into HG's face. She started to stir around 8 but made it until 9 or 9:30. She got a good 12 hours and then climbed in bed with us for milk and a cat nap. Then it was Dora, Diego and the Backyardigans time. She was up dancing to "we did it" before I had even washed my face. Girl loves that dance! We dropped Chris off at work and headed to a jumping gym place. HG was thrilled and in the best mood. After a few hours of running and jumping, she was exhausted and said she couldn't do it anymore. Ha, that is a first! A massive sausage hot dog, a bottle of water and some milk put her right to sleep. Right to sleep for 3 hours. I do believe we'll visit the jumping place again tomorrow. :) While she napped, I strolled the mall for Chris his Christmas. I know what he wants. I know what we are getting him even if it isn't my favorite idea but..He wants it. Has for a while. Anyways, I strolled the stores looking for stuff he needed. We are trying to rid the junk we have so I didn't want to buy him "stuff" just for him to have it. I picked up two shirts that he needed and a top for myself and a SUPER cheap pair of jeans. I sure hope they fit as I didn't try them on. A quick stop by CVS and Aspen Creek, we are back in the hotel relaxing. I headed up some dinner, colored a little with HG and put on Bob the Builder. I think we'll have an early night but I said that last night as well.
Not sure about the rest of the week. We are thinking about Wilmington or a little town called Pinehurst. It is on the backside of Fort Bragg and apparently pretty nice. There will be a musuem visit, jumping gym again, finish shopping for Chris, a little snow, a trip back home sometime and lots of Christmas songs. HG is going through the phase where she sees anything neat on tv or at the store and asks if she can have it for Christmas.
We are missing our friends, family and MDO while visiting out here and can't wait to see them. My dad and Ryan are in the process of driving from Dallas to California so keep them in your prayers. It is a long drive but luckily good weather so far. Also, a dear friend finally got pregnant after years of trying only to miscarry on Monday. My heart breaks for them as they were beyond excited as well as everyone else for them. Prayers were being said for them by people who didn't know them and had only heard about their struggles. Going through a miscarriage is never fully understood until you yourself have been through one. There are no words that can ease the pain but prayers for strength and peace can go a long way.