Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas Time
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Merry Christmas
We've been busy bees around here preparing for all the activities. Tonight is one of our favorites during the Holidays, the Gaylord. HG will be in awe with all the decorations and the ICE exhibit. So fun! Tomorrow we start with an annual Christmas Tea followed by a Christmas brunch with the Bells, presents and Mass. I'm sure it will be a nice day, lets hope HG survives with out a nap.
Chris finished storage, we are all packed for a week and the gifts are ready to be delivered. We sent half the gifts home with Poppy to make Christmas morning easier since hoping to be on the road by 9. Lucky for my dad, Kendall and Collins will be there to help. I get a pass this year since I'll be bring the best gift of all, HG.
PS It is time to recycle all of those new year resolutions once again! :)
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Quick update
Not much to report right now.
- HG and I made the long trip home and it seemed much longer than going out there. But we both made it. In one piece I should mention.
- TONS of laundry, a dirty house and two massive storage units to clean.
- Yes, we are once again working on our silly storage units. Whoever thought living out of storage for 2 years (will probably be longer) didn't think far into the future. Wow, that place is a work out. I only helped for two hours and my body hurts so so so so so bad. I have dinner, advil and a cold beer waiting on Chris.
- Christmas shopping on our end is finished, Chris has to pick up a few things tomorrow or Thursday. Thank goodness, 1709/Keller Parkway was a nightmare today.
- We're having a play date with Dee and the kids tomorrow so super excited about that. Will probably do a park since it is so nice here.
- I have a UTI which is absolutely no fun. I need to lay off caffeine and I know I can't do bubble baths so not sure why I did.
- Poppy flies back from Los Angeles tomorrow evening so we'll surprise him at baggage claim. Poor guys, it has been raining cats and dogs the entire time they have been out there. The Coastal Highway is even closed. So much for a sunny, warm vacation!
- We're heading to Bass Pro Santa and the Gaylord ICE this week as well. Can't wait!!
- It is hard to believe that Christmas is just a few days away with the warm weather. Luckily, we're heading to the cabin and will enjoy highs in the 40's through out the week.
Have a good week!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Heading home.....
No month is complete without a trip to CEC (yuk!). We struck gold by being one of three families there and spent nearly 3 hours playing and eating while it was an icy mixture outside.
We hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoy your Christmas family time. I have so many friends that are doing Christmas this weekend with one family and then the other next weekend. They switch off each year. That way everyone is able to make it and not rushing around on Christmas. Luckily, we are still pretty flexible since living in DFW. I do miss Christmas with all my cousins each year and I hate not seeing them but it works well in the long run.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Baby it's cold out there
HG's new ride "Suzy" for being so good on the 19 hours in the car over the last few days.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Half way & 5 States
Tomorrow, we are taking our time on the last leg of the trip and stopping where we find the urge to. Chris has another role play tomorrow night so it'll be a late night for him. Luckily, they are closed on Sunday preparing for the big opening on Monday which I'm sure HG and I will participate in. She is really missing daddy's work as she calls it. She loves to eat there. Loves to see daddy at work.
We missed Kristen's surprise 30th tonight and sure hope everyone had a great time. Wait, what am I talking about? I KNOW that group and I know they did.
Hope everyone has a nice weekend!!!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
On the road again....
Happy Birthday Aunt Tonia!! We miss you, love you and will see you soon.
- Breakfast, trash day, last minute things in car.
- Post office
- HG at school by 9
- Wells Fargo
- Chase Bank
- Walgreens
- Walmart
- Ran by apt to pay water bill at office
- XC's house
- Car wash
- EECU in Hurst
- Target in Hurst
- Walmart again in Irving
- Aspen Creek
- HG's school to feed teachers, drop off gifts and pick up HG
- Walgreens again
- Sonic for lunch
ALL BY NOON! Can I get a holy cow? I was burning rubber.
We went and had cupcakes and a play date with Uncle Ryan once we were finished and made it to Texarkana. The road construction in Greenville really upsets me so a 3 hour trip always turns into much longer. It was totally worth the stop. Many laughs tonight, the best pizza around and a warm familiar house to sleep in. HG was screaming so loud when she heard the door open and in came Poppy and then Auntie Collins and Bella. She was beyond thrilled. :)
Uncle Ryan
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Tiresome Tuesday
- The day started off running behind. My alarm went off at 7 and I reset it to 8. We leave by 8:40. HG was having breakfast on the road. Such a bad mom.
- Gathered money from a few moms during drop off.
- Walgreen's for a couple of gift cards and to order some motion sickness medicine in case we need it for HG.
- Walmart, Target and then Oil Change. They wanted to charge $5 per air filter to change them for me. whatever people. Target had a ton of kids shopping for Christmas. nightmare. SO crowded.
- Home to start laundry, finish Christmas cards, gather Ryan's Christmas gift, work on moms group Christmas cards, pack HG and lunch.
- Car wash to try and clean up all the popcorn. I stopped up two vacuums. whoops. It was still in my car.
- Picked up HG, spoke to the teachers for a bit, gathered more money, let the kids play on the play ground.
- Off to Ryan's Condo to hang out and see Poppy. We hung out for a few hours. Ryan has finals this week so we snuck out and took some laundry. HG cried all the way to Wendy's. Don't worry, real chicken nuggets and they changed their fries. I'll do a post later on that.
- Traffic on the way home because duh, it is 5. What silly person makes that drive. Thank goodness for $1 menu at Wendy's. :)
- Post office. Bank. Back to car wash to pick up popcorn with hand and mush it so it could be vacuumed. It is clean. I'm sure it will smell for days. Or months.
- Cleaned out car only to drop it in the living room. ugh.
- Like I said earlier, I just poured a glass of wine I hope I finish. Tomorrow will be here before we know it and is full of stuff. 3 banks, Ryan's in Dallas (30 + mins there), XC's house, finish packing, load the car, presents for school, order food, pack C's extra items, Walgreen's again, Post office again....I HOPE that is all that is on my list. :) I also just checked on HG and she is wearing her Dorothy shoes, in bed, watching tv. lovely.
HG's cards to our HEB mom's group
Fed HG dinner. I managed to eat too. Yes, we just had Wendy's at 5, so what. Washed Ryan's clothes. Gave HG a bath. Colored, read a book, cleaned the kitchen, unpacked the bags from the weekend, finished ALL the gifts except picking up Teacher's gift cards and Chris. Put HG in bed, in my bed watching TV. I was much too tired to fight. I think C's call at 2 to chat because he couldn't sleep threw me for a loop. I didn't catch up.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Two day trip back home
Texarkana was great as always. I didn't get to see a lot of friends but Brooke came out for a glass of wine on Friday. It was fun catching up. We just ate, ate, ate and ate like always. On the way home, we stopped in Sulphur Springs for a visit with Grandma, Aunt Jan, Laura and the boys. I must say that HG loves her cousins, she just smiled and wanted to follow them around. Matt got her doing "we did it" and she was going to town in the hallway of the hospital. HG brought pictures, soups, gold fish and magazines to "fix my grandma" but I forgot the Dora band aides. Bad Momma. Everyone seemed to be doing good. Laura was dressed too cute as always. We left early Christmas presents for them, a bubble blower and a huge bubble gun. Another stop at Uncle Ryan's on the way home, we are in bed and I even think I manged to scrub all the red permanent marker off HG's hands. Yep, she wanted red finger nails.
Tomorrow, we won't get any rest either. HG has MDO, I will be up there collecting money for teacher gifts, oil change, tires rotated, cleaning out the entire bag of popcorn HG poured out in the car, laundry, packing for 10 days, finishing up all the school gifts, our Christmas card exchange with a mom's group and then heading to see Uncle Ryan tomorrow afternoon. I have a to do list, I just can't find it under all my crap.
I'll post pictures tomorrow. :)