Copper has his second surgery on Monday.
He is doing good.
They removed some of his hip.
You can see the difference between the two sides.
We decided to go with the one we knew would work rather than risking him going under a 3rd time.
He is almost 11 (May 20) and putting an older dog under that many times is just so risky.
The Vet said his hips were still very tight and looked great otherwise.
He'll continue to be pretty drugged the next week or two.
That will allow him to feel less pain and walk on it.

We are back home and trying to get back in a routine.
HG loved spending time in Batesville and Texarkana.
She is already asking to go visit.
Naples was amazing.
Beautiful beach.
Wonderful foodOh how I could go on about the food.
Awesome people.
Some place we'll definitely revisit.
Looking forward to next
HG fell asleep after a long weekend Easter evening.
Is it bad that we rolled down the windows and let her sleep?
For two hours.
Don't worry, we were outside on the patio.

The hubby told me to run for his camera.
I told him no way was I getting close to that yakking bird.
So this phone shot will have to do.
They are beautiful birds.
They are extremely annoying birds.
Imagine 4:30 in the morning.
Every morning.
Peacocks waking you.
They sound like crying cats or infants.
HG gets so excited when they get on Poppy's fence from his neighbors yard.
Also, notice how green the tree and honeysuckles are.
Everything is such a deep color of green from all the rain.

Never a dull moment in our life.
HG has learned to raise the head rest.
With her toes.
I'd turn around and she would make this silly face.

Western Week at MDO.
The classes are learning about Texas.
I tried really hard begging her to look at the camera.
Not so much luck.

We drove through some terrible weather.
The husband said I was like a little wiry dog.
I just knew we would see a tornado.
There were warning all over East Texas on Monday.

I know so many were effected by these serious storms recently.
Please say a prayer for them.
Some still don't have power.
My dad was lucky to only have his out for about 12 hours.
Many houses flooded.
Roofs ripped off.
Streets flooded so people can't come and go.
Trampolines on roof tops.
Trees on houses and cars.
Prayers so that they find their strength while cleaning up and rebuilding.