It is loading day!
We've been busy packing around here.
What is it with packing or moving that makes you snack and eat all day?
Yesterday, we headed to the condo and unloaded our items there.
With the house getting a makeover, we had to hang out somewhere else.
The truck was about a quarter full when I headed for HG.
I've gone through so many rolls of tape. I should own stock in the tape.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
The packing is continuing but our closing was pushed back a week.
As in the last day we have in our lease, we close.
The husband travels like crazy in March.
Us girls get a fun trip too.
In other words, we have no idea when we will start putting the house in order.
Most stuff is in storage.
Goodness, it is a mess.
Harper love is feeling better, shouldn't be contagious anymore after the weekend. Her diapers are terrible, I am flying through LUVS and pampers. Her cough, it is just terrible too. She did get to taste some mashed potatoes and love them. Doesn't everyone?
HG is HG. She went back to school today. I think that was her third time all month. Goodness, sickness leave us!
Really, nothing fun to report.
I exercised tonight for the first time in ages.
I can't seem to find time.
We have been sticking around the house a lot.
Might get out this weekend more and just use Harper's cloth carrier or cover for her seat. That way IF she is still highly contagious, it will stay in her area.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Meet Camo
Chris and HG met Mr Chase this morning to pick up our new dog. Camo is even better looking than the pictures. HG has a love hate relationship with him already and I won't even get into what his dog poop smells like in a small place.
We put him in a pop up kennel while at Uncle Julio's in the car. That didn't last long, he was all over the truck. Ha.
New house
Here is our newest project.
Most of the paint and the flooring will be finished before we move over.
Rather than securing it to the tile, the builder cut into the tile.
The bar, yeah it is coming down.
We are going to use it as an office.
I will use all my effort to help the husband keep it tidy.
We all know he has a very messy office.
Eventually, we hope to put painted barn door or old doors on a glider to close this space.
Between the smell in the house and this room, it took me seeing it 3 times before I agreed on it.
We are painting the walls a shade of blue and going with the chocolate and blue in here.
We have beautiful chocolate curtains for our wall of windows.
The walls and ceiling will be latte with divine white molding.
The girls swing set and fort.
Between dogs, kids, summer heat and grilling, I really think we will need a cover.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hi Dad,
Surprise, I’m
your new puppy. I know you wanted a dog
named Scout but they’ve been calling me Camo.
I don’t really have a problem if you change my name, I might just eat
one of your socks but we’ll work it out.
I am very excited to come play with Hailey Grace and Baby Harper, I
think they will like me a lot. Mr. Chase
has been working with me in the field and I hear him tell me that I am a good
bird dog. I’m not exactly sure what that
means but I sure love the smell of those birds!
You can pick me up on your way back from watching the ponies run or Mr
Chase will help out and watch me for a few days. I can’t wait to see you dad and my new best
buddy Hailey Grace.
Love, Camo
Monday, February 13, 2012
Happy 4 months

You brighten our day.
Oh goodness how you brighten our day.
You are just the sweetest thing ever.
We love your squeals.
We love that you worship your sister.
I love that you say momma.
We love that you love to eat.
We love that you go with the flow.
You are sleeping well.
You are my early bird.
I keep nursing in the morning over and over hoping you fall back asleep.
Sometimes you do.
Sometimes you just puke on me from all the milk.
Sometimes I probably deserve it.
By 8, you simply turn into a pumpkin.
Last night you slept 10 hour straight.
During your shots today, you stopped crying as soon as I picked you up.
When the nurse told you what a big girl you were, big tears started flowing again.
Broke my heart.
But when she left the room, you smiled the biggest grin at me.
You just didn't want her near you.
Your doctor had nothing but great things to say.
While you are still a lil' bit as we call you, you are growing like a weed.
6 1/2 inches and 9 pounds.
You aren't much longer than Mommy and Daddy when we were born.
Measuring in at 23 1/2 inches keeps you petite and in the lower end for height.
14 pounds 3 ounces has you gaining pretty fast but still in the lower end.
Your size now has no reflection on your height as an adult, weight either.
So eat your heart out little one while you can.
Or pray you got your Poppy's metabolism. :)
You taught us that God has a plan.