Thursday, March 28, 2013

Sunny Day

The husband rolled in around 1:30 last night.
No worries, he didn't land until midnight but arrived home just in time for Harper to get up.
This surgery has her ears, neck and throat really hurting.
Especially during the night or other periods of rest.
Last night and the previous one, it was about 5-6 hours of cries and moans.
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Fell asleep watching Duck Dynasty
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Her eating as improved since surgery.
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Yesterday was HG's friends 5th birthday.
We were lucky enough to join them for some fun.
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Adorable friends.
 Nicolle is always great about snapping pictures.
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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Easter Party

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We did stickers this year instead of goldfish.
Figured 4-5 year old could handle that.
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Perfect Easter favors for her class.
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What kid could resist these adorable juice boxes made by HG
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HG's surprise Easter lunch.
Somehow I managed to delete all my pictures on here off of Photobucket. Not the best thing I've ever edone. So for now, this will have to do.  photo 57F70745-F901-420D-9C46-8E6B2C1243CE-14564-000010964131770A.jpg

We always do something special for HG's teachers.
They spend so much time with our children that even a small thank you is a must.
HG LOVES brownies and LOVES her teachers so I squealed with glee when I found these.
Who could resist their cuteness?
What a fabulous blog too

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Just hunting a few eggs.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Harper's Surgery

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Have to love Versed.
Sweet Harper love had another set of tubes place in this morning.
Her Dr fished out the floating tube in her right canal and removed the left tube before surgically placing new tubes in both ears.
We're hoping these last a bit longer than the first set, more along the lines of 18+ months.
Of course, her right ear was infected and filled with fluid.
She was able to clean it out pretty well when placing the tube in.
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With her needing a second set before 18 months, chronic sinus/breathing issues, and enlarged adenoids  those bad boys were removed as well.
The first thing she said was that she was glad we made that decision because they were entirely too large.
Massive tonsils, constant ear aches (14 on record in town, she went from April to November with out a single one too) and enlarged adenoids were causing all sorts of issues for this little sweet thing.
She is sleeping in her room now and I don't hear any snoring over the monitor.
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Harper typically only uses a pacifier when sleeping the first few minutes then it just moves around her crib.
Notice her collection she has going on here.
Her favorite, in her mouth of course.
She was entertaining the nurses by putting 2-3 in at one time.
Then asking each person for some milk.
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Recovery went well.
With all of her previous surgeries, eye and tubes, she didn't react well.
Hours on end of screaming.
Today, they had to wake her up and she just wanted me.
Then she crashed again.
We let her sleep it off a bit more and a nurse showed up with a Popsicle.
Downed that and off to lala land again.
The nurse then brought in a apple juice/water mixture in a bottle and she crashed once again.
Harper hasn't had juice in a bottle, ever, so she laughed when she took her first sip.
It was pretty cute.
She slept until the moment the IV was removed and I had to change her tops.
A light lunch and a little milk lactose free of course, she is napping again.
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Harper kept the blanket over her head constantly until we were walking out the door.
If you moved it, she yelled and cried.
So we just let her be unless her oxygen was getting around 90 or below.
Then we would change positions, make her take a few good breaths and wake up.
Thirty seconds later, she was out.

Thank you all for the texts and calls today.
Any surgery, no matter how big or small is always in need of extra prayers.
Our main concern was her breathing and it went perfectly.
In haler before we left the house, breathing treatment before inserting the breathing tube.
I can not express just how much we love our ENT.
It was so cute watching how she spoke and interacted with other people.
When she came out to tell me about Harper, she jumped right on the couch next to me like we were long lost sisters.
She is one of those doctors that you can just hug and laugh with.
Maybe that is because we see her far too much.
Maybe that is because she cares about her kids so much.
What ever it is, I am so thankful that we ended up in her office a year ago.
Phone calls when she is sick at home herself just to check on Harper.
Hopefully we are on the up with Harper and can space out our visits to the doctor.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Friends of Gold

I love that some of our friends are more like family to us.
I love that we would do anything in the world for the other.
I love that they are amazing in their own ways.

Saturday, we headed to Costco for lunch and a few things.
A detour for lunch kept the girls full of smiles and got us out of the craziness of lunch on a Saturday at Costco.
Costco on a Saturday, that is scary without kids in tow.

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When we wash her hair with baby shampoo, this is the result.
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Terri showed up with Easter cookies from Panera for the kids.
Oh my word delicious.

Jason, Jessica, Terri, Justin, Riler, Kalli and Keller joined us for dinner Saturday night.
Jason brought over back strap (venison) and venison sausage.
We served up queso, cajun shrimp cocktail, oh my word good rolls, pizza and a huge salad.
The Holcombes came with the too good to be true cookies, yummy beer and a carrot cake.
I guess you could say we all ate well.
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Harper was simply in love with baby Keller.
Terri let her hold him and she was speechless and frozen.
It was so cute.
I held my breath that Harper didn't hurt the baby.
Baby Keller is just a month old but already so good.
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Harper so excited when given the yummy Easter cookie.
Here she was smiling at Terri.
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She looks so tiny and cute here.
We lost almost a pound this past week so I am hoping she gained a little back over the weekend.
She is our little bit for sure.

Girl woke up wheezing a little more than the previous days.
She was so sweet but clingy and gnawing on everything in site.
Including HG's big toe that apparently looked delicious.
I think I threw up a little in my mouth.
HG yelped like no other.

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We rode ponies on this cold, windy Sunday.
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And made pretend ponies
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Then heard Harper holler.
All we could do is laugh, typical Harper.
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If you have an extra prayer, please say it tonight.
Harper's surgery is in the morning. 
We need the tubes and adenoid removal to go smoothly.
We need her not to be wheezing bad in the morning so she will be able to have the surgery.
The ENT will remove the adenoids through the mouth while Harper is asleep.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Our girls part 2

Most of you know that we are pretty old fashion when it comes to raising our daughters.
Apparently a lot more so than many of our friends.
From what we hear.
They might still be in their teens wearing lace ruffled bloomers and smocked dresses.
I am 100% okay with that.
I want to attend prom with them and want their dates mom to go as well.
We limit who they are around, what they are exposed to, what schools they will attend.
We gave up an extra income so I could stay home and spend that extra time with them.
Smother them.
Of course, we aren't implying our way of raising children is the best.
I am sure it is completely opposite in some opinions.
It is what works best for us.

If people only think one thing of my husband and I, we want them to think we are great parents.
And that we loved each other and our little family so much it hurts.
That we try our hardest and always have our girls best interest at heart.
Sure days are challenging, sometimes you just want to scream.
Each night before bed, no matter how challenging the day is, we always tell them how much we love them and how amazing they are.
That God made them special for us.
To always turn to God for troubles.

I've been stressing a little lately about schools and the future with our girls.
Where we are going to live.
What state.
The list goes on.
Okay, maybe a lot of stressing.
Children are so impressionable at this age.
Girls can be mean.
Boys can be rough.
Maybe I should worry about Harper roughing kids up.
Public schools don't allow God anymore, will this be okay?
Do we give them enough influence through Church and home?

I saw this blog and it spoke directly to my heart.
I cried in Target recently when shopping for HG's summer clothes.
I do not like the big kid section but love the baby section.
It would be so much easier if I could protect and shield them from everything.
I love telling them that they are amazing, special and just as they are supposed to be.
God made them.
Don't listen to the negativity.
Always find the good in people.
I wasn't always the ideal person or student growing up.
I could be very mean.
I was a snob.
I made mistakes.
I want my daughters to love each other and those around them.
I want them to look past the labels and into others hearts.
I want them to understand that others will be mean and we will all cry together but that tomorrow, it is a new day and that person might be their best friend.
I want them to know that everyone is fighting a battle of some sort and not to judge too quickly.
Some of my favorite people are the ones opposite of me and because that, they make me a better person.
I want them to find those amazing people and things that God put on this for us.
I want them always to put God first.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Our girls

We've had a nice, slow paced week around here.
Harper has yet another ear and sinus infection.
That is ear infection #4 since mid Feb.
Surgery is soon and we are hoping this helps her chronic ear and sinus issues.

The husband is crazy busy with Real Estate and work.
I am thankful he is here for the day of Harper's surgery, my sister is helping and then my dad is coming to stay the night.
I am SO thankful they always drop everything to help.
I haven't stayed in contact with the sitters I met from
Tubes aren't a big deal really, they bounce back so fast.
Seriously, lighting speed.
The rest of it will take about 2 weeks to fully heal.
Bad breath for 2 weeks but I'll take it.
Hopefully she will start feeling like herself 3-5 days after her surgery.
We are not removing tonsils at this time so that alone will speed up recovery.
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My big girl is SO ready for summer.
She longs for the days of bare feet and sunshine.
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No fear.
Unless mama leaves the room.
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late nap equals late bed.
Surely she will sleep past 7.
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HG shared her surprise afternoon snack with Harper today.
First big thing or meal she has had since Tuesday at breakfast.
First thing that has stayed down.
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Lots of fun things planned for school Easter party.
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Frozen yogurt, trying to get something in her.
Yeah, that lasted about 10 minutes.
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Harper took HG's Bun Bun to the ENT Wednesday.
That did not go over well but clearly you can tell Harper didn't care.
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love matching and monogrammed items.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A wedding, new burgers & ice cream

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
Saturday, the girls headed off to their grandparents in Irving while the husband and I headed to FW.
Good friends were marrying on a busy weekend in downtown.
The wedding was fabulous and we enjoyed ourselves at the wedding.
Meghan was a stunning bride for sure.
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The chapel was so much like the chapel Brooke was married in back in December.

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
Sunday before we headed to pick up the girls, we joined Jason and Jessica for a fun lunch.
One of our friends, Case, had mentioned that we just had to try this place.
Such a neat and fun place, we will be going back with the girls.
Or on a warm afternoon for a draft.
  Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
We have been enjoying the weather.
Frozen yogurt on the porch.
Harper has had some killer diapers from the dairy.
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Our flowers are car stopping for sure.
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HG fell asleep wathing Doc McStuffins last night.
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Harper needed a matching shirt to an outfit of HG's.
Luckyily, it was fairly easy and cheap to do.
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While I was at it, we added the girls name to basket liners for egg hunts coming up.
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Such a ham.
Our baby girl is starting a Pre K program soon.
I've been stressing about her eating lunch in a cafeteria instead of at her desk.
I mean I will still be packing her lunch, she will just have to carry it, then eat it and clean up her mess.
She does this exact thing now, in her 4's.
It just seems so much older doing it a cafeteria.

I am not sure about y'all but I think I am ready for summer time.
Not the heat of course.
But days of no where to be early.
Days of sprinkler laughs, water balloon fights and popsicles.
Days of tanks, messy hair, sunscreen kissed bodies and snow cones.
Days of pink and green zinc covered noses.
The husband and I are looking forward to fun filled, hopefully not 6 o'clock in the morning summer days.