Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Say your prayers

Hugs your loved ones a little tighter tonight everyday.
Praise the Lord that they are safe and healthy.
A good friend of mine who has been mentioned on here numerous of times needs prayers.
You see Cristi has this very best friend, more like a sister, they grew up together.
Always best of friends and if anyone knows Cristi, she is someone who will always be there for you.
When she (hayley) was pregnant with her last son, she almost died from complications.
Even the doctors were amazed that she pulled through.
Prayers were being said around the clock.
Prayer warriors went to work.
People who didn't know her were saying them.
Prayers are amazing.
She bounced back and is lovely as ever.
Her husband, who many of us worked with in our early college years, was killed in a car accident this morning.
in a matter of seconds, their lives changed more than anyone could have ever imagined.
They need prayers, the children need prayers.
Pray, pray, pray.
They need arms wrapped around them tightly.

Harper praying before Taco Tuesday included prayers for strength and guidence for the family.

Monday, May 27, 2013

End of School

Things lately..............................

We've been in bed super early all weekend except for the husband last night.
He worked all night.
As in went to bed when Harper woke today.
We caught up on a series we were told about.
Watched movies, worked on the garage preparing for a big garage sale, we've been eating a TON.
Really, just taking it easy.
Super nice weekend.
Teacher gifts and class gifts.

Planted gardens where gift cards grew.

Krazy Kool summer bubbles

Krazy Kool summer popsciles to help you keep Cool

Notes to teachers

Thank you cards to school teachers and staff

Graduation chocolate scoop

Owl baskets for the two classroom teachers

Harper testing dairy free sorbet.
Wasn't a hit.

Love town square
Dinner at Brio & beers at The Gingerman

Lots of Playing

HG's 1st fly

Tried a new burger place and it was okay.
The husband didn't even finish his.

Same outfit, one year later.
Beauty growing up far too fast.

Costco samples ROCK

Playing Doctor.
Tomorrow is HG's last day of school.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Preschool Graduation

Thursday was Preschool graduation for HG.
What a special day for all.

Preschool Graduation

Mrs Laura and Mrs Karen's class.
We started out with 13 but moves  and travels left us with 9.

The kids on the right are the older ones,
they were mostly 5 going into the school year.
Such a big difference in height a year makes.

Pizza party and Harper has chicken and goldfish.
Still doesn't eat pizza

Our graduate!!!!

Congrats HG, we love you so much!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Lunch date

Tuesday was Hailey Grace's last full day of school for summer.
She has graduation and a party Thursday followed by a tropical day on Tuesday.
Seriously so sad May is already here, it is summer.
I know our last few months in the area are going to fly by.
Luckily, the husband found out that his boss is on the same page about an opening date.
No moving in August.
We were thinking we were moving again in August.
So this summer, it will be full of playing.
Playing with friends and family who we won't get to see so often once school begins.
With HG's last full day of school came the risk of severe storms.
Harper and I remained in Grapevine the whole day.
We attended the end of school Blessing.
Or attempted to.
Harper had a rough day.
She was chewing on everything in site, squealing in pain and just down right miserable.
After the kids sang and HG got her Blessing, we snuck out.
I am sure everyone was sick of the screaming and yelling.
After stops at Target and the stores by it where I made her ride in her ergo, she had woken from a nap with smiles.
It was nearly 12:30, she refused food all morning so we headed across the street to CFA.
If she wouldn't eat then she would be happy playing.
We enjoyed ourselves and friends we met for over an hour.
Harper might have been the bully of the play ground for a bit.

She rested in this spot so many times.

While HG and I were weather watching,
she was getting into the oreos.

waffles and green goddess for breakfast today.

Thankfully, she slept 13 hours last night and woke up feeling much better.
I just hate it when the babies have an off day and nothing you can do helps.
We haven't been giving her the teething tablets after numerous people telling me about law suits, brain bleeds and seizures.
I do think they work, sometimes they helped a lot.
Our old Pedi was 100% against them.
100% and even got onto me for using them with both girls.
We've made it this far and only have two more to come in over the summer, the end is near.
For now, we will stick to tylenol and advil if needed.
Amazing what a frozen toothbrush or paci can do.
Freeze them in ice deals so that when you pop them out, the ice is on the toothbrush for paci.
I've tried pear and apple juice as well.
Popsicles work nicely as well.

With Harper feeling better, we are all perkier.
Tomorrow is a big day for us.


Monday, May 20, 2013


My heart aches again tonight.
Sometimes i wonder if it will explode from all the heart ache lately.
My dad finally got a hold of me around 6.
Had we seen the news?
What news?
We were drippng wet leaving Keller Pointe.
Then he told me.
He knew we had friends in the area and in the area this storm was moving.
Part of me keeps thinking we will wake tomorrow and it will all be a dream.
Part of me knows that won't happen.
Prayers, prayers and more prayers.
Everyone we have spoken to is okay but has directly been effected.
Praying with everything we have in us.
Happy 7 years to my wonderful husband!

Someone got a too messy at dinner.

This was left too close while packing HG's lunch and Harper's Church snack for tomorrow.

Park date before swimming. HG refused the camera.
HG is still having a hard time missng Daddy but doing better..

Our little swimmers. We switch days next week and both girls have Ms Julie.