Sunday, June 30, 2013


We love having picnics at the airport. Sounds silly to some I'm sure but my girls seriously love it.

Harper walks outside and if she doesn't have sunglasses on, she starts screaming eyes. She needs her shades, says thank you then is perfectly happy. My little Diva.

What is normally a 3 1/2 hour drive turned into 6 1/2 hours yesterday. Miserable.
8 stops. Stopped traffic. Screaming kids. Thank goodness for a little 'dropping like its hot' dance moves, we survived.

Today, we held a lovely baby shower for a sweet friend and her little boy. I love boy baby showers, no pink or purple and everything is so boy. They received lots of wonderful and neat things, so happy to be part of it. So many baby showers lately. HG was able to play with her of her favorite girls, or the twins as she always refers to them. Toni is so good about putting a different color bow or top on them and HG has finally learned which one is which. I was so impressed today when she was telling a guest that was Claire because she had pink on. We love those sweet girls and their curls.

A dip in the pool with Mia, play time with Collins, dinner with poppy and Danielle followed by fireworks. It has been a FULL FUN day.

Good night, tomorrow is another full day and the last day of June.

Friday, June 28, 2013

New Toy

We spent the evening cruising around and swimming at near by Lake Grapevine. We LOVE this lake in the week.

The girls couldn't get enough of the fun but Harper didn't like the wind in her ears.

First time we had our new family toy out and can't wait to use it more next week. :)

Monday, June 24, 2013

Play dates and popcorn

The husband is on a plane heading home early. Praise the Lord, I'm spent this week and it is only Tuesday. The girls have been a mess, two days we have left before 8:30 and home after 5. Then it is a mad dash for dinner, laundry, bath, etc so we can do it all over again. Although we are beat, we have had a blast wearing ourselves out.

Vacation Bible school is a hit after the first day of constant tears. Hailey Grace is eager to go and I love seeing the excitement in her eyes. Only downfall is that it lets out at noon and everyone is starving. As is whiny starving so we have been eating out a lot.

Monday, we headed to CEC after VBS and luckily the place was empty. HG was able to play with a friend she went to school but the girl no longer attends. She and Lizzy didn't remember each other right away buy acted like best friends within seconds. Amazing how our bodies, hearts and minds recognizes people and things when our eyes don't. Ear check ups after, both girls were good. HG was recovering from swimmers ear still.

Tuesday was spent at HG's BFF house swimming then working on baby shower stuff after a ton of errands. The girls were amazed at the massive bag of popcorn. So fun! We went with coconut flavor since summer. I'm super excited to shower a sweet friend this weekend.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Summer is here

The weeks are flying by.  July is almost here. Crazy! The husband is of course working in Louisville but will be home earlier this week and not the typical 7 days. We always love that.  The next two weeks are going to be full of fun and fly by in the blink of an eye.  Summer is here. Two months left of play as HG says.

HG has VBS starting for her first time tomorrow.
Would it be crazy if i bawl my eyes out?
Last year she wasn't old enough, still 3.
This was another shot from Father's Day that was just perfect in our opinion.

Harper has learned to take self shots and record stuff on my cell.
May or may not have found my cell phone in the trash this morning by hearing it ring.
The phone was supposed to be on the charger and we were changing sheets.
Baby girl is fast.

One day last week, she threw a massive fit when we attempted to put on a real shirt.
So out she went in her Elmo pajama top.
She was so proud.

Boxes turned into forts are the best.

Lots of summer dishes around here.

Harper has started making silly faces.

She thought she hit the jackpot.
She loves a Dora and Minnie game on there.

Never a dull moment.

Lots of fun equals worn out babies.

Saturday, we headed to Laken and Braxton's birthday party at the same place we are having HG's.

Such a great fully covered toddler area for the babes to swim.
Or climb like Harper and Braxton.

One good cupcake.
After the party, we stopped by to see the husband's parents then headed to Aspen Creek for lunch.
HG has been asking to go for a while and Harper just so happened to fall asleep so it worked out perfectly.
We stuffed ourselves silly.

Then she crashed once agan.

Friday evening was spent with Heidi while she snapped away at the girls.
We can't wait to see more.