Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving break

As we gear up for a low key Thanksgiving this year, we have so much to be thankful for. I am sitting here with the girls watching the Macy's Day parade and thinking about just how lucky we are. Even if I have been up since 4, I am still thankful. Even if the girls are already having major cat fights. I am thankful. Even if one is currently in time out. I am thankful. Maybe a little cranky but very thankful. :) Our Holidays and time with families will change once we move so we are thankful for those we get to see this year. Next year, who knows if we will even come to Texas and when we do, we have family spread out in two states. Our stops will have to be quick and on a tight schedule.

Our entire week has been somewhat low key. We missed school terribly but enjoying no schedule and messy hair. Amazing how well the girls do on school days.

Sunday, we had an early morning visit from Poppy followed by lunch with Poppy at Babe's. Always a good lunch there. :)
The girls were ecstatic to see Poppy.

Monday, the weather was super cold so the girls opted to skip swim. We only have a time or two left but the husband was going to have to take them and I knew it would be a fight. Swimsuits and colder weather are just hard for my girls. I darted out the door for my appointment with my Specialist while they played at the house. Glad to report that Hudson weighed in at 3 pounds 5 ounces at the hospital and doing perfect. We will adding more Nifedipine to help control my contractions and relax my uterus.....and my blood pressure with all these cat fights between the girls. :) This will hopefully help my fluid stay good until the end but unfortunately, I don't feel too hot on it and have to set my alarm during the night.

Tuesday, we played with Heidi and the boys. We had all been cooped up for too long with the cooler weather and need play time. On what felt like the 100th trip up and down the stairs, we all headed to Chick Fil A. Pretty much our only rule in the house is not to run up and down the stairs, thankfully the husband was not here. I think HG would have been in the dog house big time. :) along with everyone else in Keller, we braved CFA. The play area was past their capacity for sure. Lots of big kids, much older than HG, playing in the play area. It always amazes me that parents let the big kids push the babies out of the way or carry them all around. I would have HG in the bathroom being worn out if she acted that way no matter her age. Once we had enough of the germs and crowd, it was home to bathe and wash germ infested clothes. Stripping in the laundry room and racing up the stairs to the warm bath is always a hoot. Harper's tiny hiney tries so hard to keep up.

We are supposed to avoid mall play areas, restaurants with play areas, grocery carts and over crowded parks along with any kind of daycare/drop in daycare/nursery for quite some time. So pretty much drive thrus are okay, our laps, school and our baby sitter as long as she and the other kids are well. It gets hard after keeping the girls at their ages inside for days in the cold so we venture out, against our doctors advice and praying Harper doesn't catch anything. Or HG for that matter.

Wednesday, we stuffed ourselves with far too much pizza and dessert before I had to scrub the oven (no worries, baking soda and vinegar only!). HG managed 4 pieces and Harper 2 even before dessert. Let's not even talk about all the dessert we had. Wow! The husband and I were more than impressed with how much they ate for lunch an added it to our dinner menu. We then braved Lowe's for an afternoon project, we are trying to avoid anymore holes in the walls or ceiling with us listing our house so soon. Looks great and just need some fabric to cover the PVC piping. The light is amazing, we are totally in love. I am even okay with the black furniture right now.

Today, we are heading to Chris' brothers house in Dallas for a couple of hours to celebrate Thanksgiving. We'll spend two hours in the car traveling versus the long hours we typically spend rushing around two states trying to please everyone. Our decision was made easily this year , no travel any time soon. However, we wish we were in Fayetteville this weekend. We aren't sure if we will even travel beyond an hour or two before we move due to our limited time schedule right now.

The rest of the weekend is planned low key, nothing planned on the agenda. So we will either get a lot accomplished around the house or absolutely nothing accomplished by laziness.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Fall Pictures

We recently had fall pictures taken as a a family with Heidi and of course we are in love.
The girl's dresses turned out perfect, we just love this brand.