Last Wednesday was somewhat challenging for me. Hudson coming off a growth spurt, me only sleeping 2-3 hours in 24 hours, and being cooped up inside pretty much since December with all the illnesses that were passed around.
I think it just all hit at once and I was pretty cranky, mainly with myself though. I had errands that needed to be done, things I need for the girls by Thursday evening, we were out of trash sacks, laundry wasn't done, sheets needed to be changed, bathrooms needed to be scrubbed and a Sonic water (or tea) would have been delightful. :) Everyday stuff that was on a to do list. I instead have to wait a while for help which has definitely taken some time to get used to. I wasn't mad at anyone or anything, didn't really have a reason to be but maybe rather upset with the fact that I had to listen and take it easy. I couldn't run out and do it all myself. Because you know, that is exactly what I
really want to do. Then add me not really being up for a ton of company yet besides our parents or siblings, having friends and family wanting to come stay for the weekend or just to play . I hate saying no, I
love people coming over, I love going to play with friends, This week we will ease back into playing with friends with a couple coming by and a 1st Birthday party over the weekend. I love being able to tackle my to so lists with a circus going on around me. I feel bad having the girls out of the house 5 days a week, I miss them and Harper would love to stay home. But, I did cry when our babysitter sent a message at 6 saying she was closed last Friday.. Her son had a 102 fever so their Valentine's Day party was canceled and I was laid up in bed cramping beyond belief. Harper's ears were still infected even though she just finished 10 days of antibiotics and drops. I keep reminding myself, soon enough they will be here every day , all day and I will feel like a million bucks again. :) The husband starts traveling today so I know I will appreciate the girls staying busy as I recover from a C Section and the prepare our house to sell. Luckily, I have some help while he is gone and I am so thankful for that. A friend said I am being too hard on myself and maybe I am. If something doesn't get done or we are late, people will get over it and I need to too .
She knows me all too well. I am nervous about school drop offs and pick ups. Harper is supposed to be walked in and I hate asking to drop her off in drive thru with older kids. But who wants to get a newborn out just to walk in for 5 minutes?
I'm nervous about getting Harper up in the car, HG throwing up constantly because she is now in the very back, and cold or rain. Simple things that I will have to deal with. The puking, it is going to just be part of daily life unfortunately and might have to drive the truck. :( Enough of my pity party, I am not one to let things get me down either. I guess no sleep, 3 kids not sleeping, dogs barking all hours and those dang ear infections will send me over board. Gah, ear infections alone will send me over board. Damn those things.
Thursday was much better of a day but by Thursday evening, I thought I was going to collapse. I was on my feet all day long but enjoyed it. It was a good day. The husband insisted on taking me to lunch to brighten my spirits. A simple lunch of kincaids but sunshine beaming in the window on our little picnic table where Hudson slept in his car seat nicely covered from people's view. We had a follow up blood work appointment at Baylor and then rushed to get girls. I am never late picking them up. Ever. Thursday, they were the last two kids in the building. I thought my heart was going to explode. I bolted out of the car, greeted by the director who was totally shocked to see me. I appologized for not being the first parent to arrive and said to make up for it, we had a surprise. Chris came around the corner with Hudson in this seat. The teachers have been such cheerleaders and prayer warriors during my last two pregnancies , I was eager to let them see Hudson. With all the kids out of the building, Chris pulled the blanket down and the girls proudly showed him off. There is something so inredibly special for the girls being the older sibling.

Early Friday morning, we got a text saying our baby sitter was closed due to fever, a virus and ear infections. We were very fortunate and missed that virus but the girls were crushed as their Valentine's party was planned for 3. I sent HG off wth Chris to work and kept Harper at home with me. We worked on HG's room, it was a mess and so many items were too small. We were going stir crazy by the time they arrived home that we bolted to the car.
Let's go for a ride, a ride anywhere with the windows down and music up. It just so happened that Friday was the day the husband had set up to pick up and look in detail at his new smoker. We were thinking a little over and hour there and back in time to eat,
at home. Four hours later, we were on our way home with unhappy kids, all of them to be exact. I don't blame them, riding around in the car for four hours with no reward when arriving back home except bedtime. They
had to shower so it was 10:30 before they even got in bed. But.....the husband had his lovely smoker and wore a big grin.
not a pscifier fan yet |
no fear harper |
early morning but the breast pad added joy |
We made vanilla creamer thanks to Pinterest. |
Our non breakfast loving girl choking down her Valentine's Day meal
Friday evening heading to get the smoker. Notice my carpet, gross!
Valentines day sweet, not a good idea .
Saturday was the day to work on the boat while I worked inside. Like I previously said, my ideal clean isn't necessarily my husbands or kids. They have kept it somewhat picked up and forever greatful for that. I worked my tail off and of course did far too much. While I had planned on a lazy evening of movie night with the girls, the husband said he needed to head to Weatherford with him. While we
LOVE going out there, it was almost dark and dinner time. I agreed to a quick trip so grandpa could meet Hudson but with dinner ready in the fridge, over doing it already that day and the girls
exhausted, we wanted it to be quick. Upon arriving, the girls were a mess. I was taking turns taking them to the potty, Harper climbed on every counter and chair in sight with me chasing and lifting her. I thought I was going to cry 30 minutes into our visit. By the time the husband came back inside from storing the boat, two hours later, we had stopped up a potty and the girls were going trough the fridge eating anything and everything. It was 8, they hadn't had dinner and ate the snacks on the way out because it was going to be a quick trip. I was super thankful that grandpa was able to meet Hudson and the girls were able to spend some time with him even if it was crazy. He was so cute and kept saying they were normal, active kids. They loved showing off and dancing around. Time with our older family members before moving is very important to us. Being so far away and starting
real school in August, our trips to Texas will be limited or at least this far south. By the time we left, it was well past bedtime, girls were starving, needed a shower and a bed. A few minutes into the trip, Harper asked for a puke cup. Lovely. HG was screaming she was starving. Hudson was screaming because they were screaming. We gave them the choice of any dinner they wanted if they would chill. Whataburger it was even though a burger is the last thing we wanted after having TWO on Friday. Yes, Valentine's Day meals consisted of two burgers for the husband and I. We also had one on Thursday. No more burgers for a while but with the place opening this summer, I am afraid we will be comparing burgers and chicken for a while. We safely made it home, girls in shower and bath around 10:30, Hudson was nursed to sleep and then the girls crashed by 11:30. I looked around at midnight,
EXHAUSTED TO TEARS, standing in a toy tornado and thanked Jesus for my precious family. I wasn't sure how I had survived the last two days on no sleep from my kids, night sweats releasing hormones, piles of laundry, crap everywhere but I knew one thing.
I was so incredibly blessed having all three of my kids under the same roof, all asleep at the same moment and a husband who was able to stay in town for 2 months.
One way to crash.
She wants him to poop on command so she can change diapers. Seriously, she gets so upset when he won't poop.
Only Harper love.
Early morning fun.
boxes are collecting to begin oacking once I recover.
We are debating which week to list our house in April.
If we do it the first and it sells fast, we will be out early May
But what if it sits for a while?
I would like HG and Harper to finish our school in and not close before the 22nd.
Monday morning Dr hunor |
She was so good at dr and was headed to Mrs Dayles so she got a jr french fry and a small sprite.
Wish me luck, the husband starts traveling again today. My mother in law is helping us this week until we arrives home and so incredibly thankful. |