Sunday, November 29, 2015

Indianapolis Zoo

We finally made it to the zoo up here after  wanting to since we moved. There was a warm Sunday while the husband was hunting so the kids and I loaded up. It is about 30 minutes from us but we arrived entering the zoo as the second guests of the day. What started out at 38 degrees ended up being in the low 60's by the time we left. After visiting, we plan on many warmer days next summer. 

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Basketball- 1st experience

HG is playing b-ball at the YMCA for the first time. While the first few practices and games were rough, she is quite the rockstar now.....Still not willing to admit to it just yet. She's in a co-Ed league trying it out with one of her friends.
HG got her first goal today and ended up getting THREE goals. Way to go HG!!!!

Poppy's Thanksgiving Visit

Poppy is headed back to Texas from an awesome visit here in Indiana.  The weather was perfect the first couple of days but the rain, wind and cold moved in rather quickly.  We miss him dearly as it has been since the end of July and only got to spend 5 days with him. We're already planning the next time we get to see him so it won't fell like forever.

We took Poppy to dinner one night here.
The first night he was here, we all braved Aspen Creek that recently opened.  Braved the crowd and our kids. Food was delicious but it is always work taking a one year old out to dinner.

The kids got to see Santa during a mall trip. Hudson's BIG feet are squeezing into all his shoes.  We just bought a full size larger and he is already having trouble with them being too small.  Hard to believe my one year old wears a size NINE.  Harper is just now getting into a nine.
As always, it was entertaining.

HG and I escaped for a bit to grab some ear rings for when the big time arrives where she can change them. We're hoping the extra sensitive ones will do the trick.  I still have to be extra careful.
Thanksgiving morning making sausage balls.
We also did Christmas with Poppy on Thanksgiving so the girls wouldn't miss out on spending it with him.

Harper is REALLY into baby dolls.
Instead of doing a Thanksgiving day lunch, we did a dinner.  I cooked a big breakfast and lunch then dinner was around 5:30.  Turkey, Pork loin, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, brussel sprouts, mac n cheese, green bean casserole, broccoli and rice casserole, stuffing, various gravy and toppings plus desserts.  It was all delicious but we're done with that type of food for a while.

Sweet Harper threw up all night one night and then Hudson got up at 4 that same night.  It was rough.  It was a day that Harper actually ate ALL day and then it came back up.  I hated her feeling crummy for a little while during Poppy's visit. 

Madison the Elf also came back while Poppy was here.  He got to experience the excitement the girls get from this little elf.
HG had a date night with Mommy and Poppy, she felt extra special.  We spent many nights doing the same when living in Texarkana.

Madison even brought Lincoln Logs for the kids, they played with them all day.

Hudson and Poppy heading into basketball.
This girl picked some butt on the court today!
Harper drew her first thing today. Might be small to some but this is a HUGE step for us.
HG's games are during lunch/nap time and even if we eat right before walking out the door, they are starving.  You can't eat your food in here, only can purchase Subway. Of Course!

We are all missing Poppy already and I can imagine the tears in the morning when each one wakes up remembering that he is back in Texas already. Until we see him again soon, we will cherish all the wonderful memories we made this week. What a fun week we had visiting with him, he was our first visitor to our new house!