Thursday, September 30, 2010
Everyone is doing it....
A- I like Starbucks. Actually I think I love it. I love the smell. I don't really drink coffee though. My Aunt Susie gave me a $40 gift card last Christmas and I cherished it. I will have a Pumpkin Spiced latte soon. I like to have them on cool/cold mornings and only a couple a year. I drank it more often in Colorado. Probably because it was cold and probably because it served as my breakfast. Skinny Vanilla latte..yum. White chocolate mocha. holy yum. Like I said, I don't drink often but enjoy every sip when I do. Their low fat muffins with sugar on top = yum!
2. How do you decorate and prepare for Fall?
A-We usually decorate for fall and I love all the colors. This year, we are crammed into an apartment and have only decorated a little. I will have to make up for it next year. Aren't you excited hunny?
3. Will you participate in your college's homecoming activities? No, our life is much too busy to even get time alone right now!
4. What is your favorite Fall clothing item or accessory? BOOTS BOOTS BOOTS and hot jeans.
5. What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid? Not sure if I have one. I remember being a mummy/surgical patient for our 6th grade haunted house at St. James. It was fun and I put a lot of work into it.
6. Do you like Halloween/Horror movies? Not Halloween movies but enjoy some horror movies.
7. What is your favorite Fall activity?
A-Pumpkin patches, football, bonfires, family functions, cooking out, Church festivals, cooking
8. What is your favorite Fall recipe?DRESSING of course. We eat ham and turkey all the time, so over rated. We always love having other things. Duck, seasoned pork loin, mexican chicken spaghetti, brunch, etc.
9. What movie coming out soon are you looking forward to seeing? It's not coming out, it is out. Eat.Pray.Love
2. What will you miss most about Summer? The fresh fruit and veggies
3. When do you start your holiday shopping? Typically I am finished by September. Chris shops for one of his family members and then us and that takes place in December. This year, I've barely started!! YIKES!
.4. Favorite exercise/activity?Elliptical
5. Best book you've read lately? The Help, Driven Purpose of Life
6. Do you make your bed every day?Mostly yes, sometimes if we don't leave the house and don't get out of bed then no.
7. If you could choose a personal chef or a personal shopper, which would you choose?
Personal Chef...Have you seen the junk I eat?
8. Which TV show are you most excited for this Fall?Grey's, P.P, SUV, CSI, Dr. Oz, Ellen, Oprah's last ask me how many of those I actually watch.
Butterflies & Pizza
She picked out her own outfit and did her hair. It was farm day. We had jeans, boots and a cute top picked out until she saw THE DRESS. I was too tired to fight.After school, we bought these at Bass Pro. She was thrilled!

THEN...homemade pizzas! We bought the stuff yesterday and she was so excited that we had dinner by 5. After a dozen cookies. I'm bloated......terribly but totally worth it for her.

A few other highlights:
- She was eager for school.. YES!
- They studied the 'Barn Animals' today.
- She came home spelling R-E-D spells blue. Ha, she is trying to hard to do it right.
- She recognizes the capital letter A. I had an A on my shirt and she told me that I had an A on my shirt and pointed to it. Oh proud momma moment.
- Bass Pro was like a field trip.
- Bought Poppy's birthday gift. I'll post it next.
- The house is a disaster but it's one of those Life is too short days and I could care less. It stinks too. Old popcorn. Now with spiced pumpkin candle smell. You know you are jealous.
- She sleeps with Mommy when Daddy is gone. Score on both ends. I'm nice and cozy and she thinks she is Princess for a night. However...tonight when I climbed in bed there were crumbles everywhere. I mean E V E R Y W H E R E . She hid a sugar cookie under her pillow. yuk. gross.but funny. I guess ole girl is scared she'll get hungry in the middle of the night. She IS her momma's child. I am a middle of the night snacker from time to time.
- We were pj's and had a bath by 6:30 once again. SO NICE! She was asleep by 7:30.
- I love Thursday night TV!!
- Uncle JD and Kendall bought HG canvas and paints for her to paint on. I don't think they know what type of mess we are talking. I mean really messy. R E A L L Y M E S S Y but oh so fun! I can't wait. Oh and pumpkins. She'll be a carving Queen soon. She wants to carve Dora, imagine that. Or an Egg. An Egg? Seriously? What goes through that pretty little head.
- We were at Tom Thumb today (by the way, i really liked their deals on fresh food) and there was a gentleman about Poppy's age that said hi to HG. He looked a lot like Poppy.
The conversation:
the guy: Hi cutie
HG : Hey Poppy
The guy keeps walking
HG: Heeeeeeey Poppy (REALLY loud)
The guy keeps walking
HG: Why Poppy no talk to me (in the saddest face possible)
It was cute, sweet and sad all at the same time. It's really odd because this guy, he really reminded me of my dad. Maybe that is why HG felt he was Poppy too.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Mommy's Amazing Cowgirl
Post on FB

Whitney BellGene Davis: uncle Gene, it was amazing getting to know you over the past few years. I wondered where my love for diving came from and now I know why. I will honor each and ever dive for you. Please guide me in the direction where you want to see. Please hold my mom's hand and tell her I miss and love her dearly, each and every day. She would totally love Hailey Grace and laugh at what a mess she is. Oh goodness, I think I should have behaved when younger as everyone says she is just like me. No way I had that much attitude. now way. :) Love.
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Four States Fair
We woke to gloomy weather and light rain on Friday so I knew we were in no hurry. Little did I know, this was a preview to our drive out east. After packing up, having a late breakfast, doing laundry and loaded the car, we headed out. Our usual quick trip home turned into a long, scary drive due to all the weather. Hailey G was yelling at the rain and funder to stop. It didn't want to stop. Even after arriving in Texarkana, it continued to storm and we had no desire to get out in it. Hailey Grace's allergies started again on Friday morning (I knew something was up with her super early bedtime on Thursday evening) so I was trying to keep her out of the weather. Finally around 7:30, it wasn't pouring so we headed to Carino's. It is always a must. Pasta, bread and wine. Hailey Grace LOVES having dinner here. Her own garlic and olive oil, her own piece of bread, all the pasta and salad her little belly can eat. Friday was a little different though. After having her bread and oil, she climbed in my lap, buried her head in my chest and was out in less than two minutes. Snoring. Poor little gal was exhausted and stuffed like a blimp. Poppy, Judy, Collins and I continued to enjoy our dinner, Spicy Romano Chicken, a good Malbec and far too much bread. That stuff can seriously be addicting. The rest of the evening was just hanging out at the house watching movies in the nasty weather.
Good news (and Bad)
- Hailey Grace is feeling much better but kept us up until nearly 4 this morning from coughing and tossing and turning. The drainage has to be annoying.
- Her frog is amazing and helps so much with allergies/colds/sinus infections.
- We had dinner with daddy last night and boy was she a handful. Amber, we arrived just after you left so I will bring you your gift (PROMISE!).
- Hailey Grace and I had a lazy day yesterday. Laundry, resting, cleaning, etc. It was nice but looks like I'll be cleaning and doing laundry all over again today. Funny how often I have to do it.
I had my Ultrasound and Mammogram this morning on my left breast. It was my 3rd set of exams since the last week of June. Everything looked good and it was a itty bitty bit smaller. I can't tell, you couldn't tell but with the pictures you can. I was brought into a room where the doctors do all the examining of the xrays, ultrasounds and mammograms and YES it was just like on Grey's. The doctors were very nice and went in detail on everything. They do not believe that it is cancer at this time. Might it turn into cancer one day? Sure but only time will tell and actually it probably won't. It is extremely painful is the main issue. Hopefully with the next kid, it will clear on it's own. They believe it is an an infection that I had couple times while breast feeding (Mastitis) and once when I stopped. I am not much on taking medicine as many of you know and so caused a painful abscess/cyst that might require surgical drainage. I will be monitored every few months and if it continues to be painful, a breast biopsies is the next step. There is a very rare type of cancer that mimics Mastitis infections like this. So...that is all I know!
After leaving Baylor, I had a message from my grandmother and Aunt in SE Texas. My Uncle had passed away in his sleep during the night. My Aunt went to wake him and he was already gone. I am stunned and saddened. They are at a loss of what caused it. During the last 6 months, there have been so many deaths around us I am just not sure what to think. God's Army is full of SPECIAL ones for sure. I'm sure Gene was met by my mom, Paw paw and Grandmother Zita when he arrived in Heaven.
That was our Tuesday all before 10 in the morning!!!
Monday, September 27, 2010
All about Pink

Thursday, September 23, 2010
Sneak Peek

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
My goal is to deny yours
Today, we used the 25 gift card to Chili's that Hailey Grace won and were reminded why we don't dine there. It was terrible. Really nasty. The service was good just poor food. They were dead so maybe a reflection on why so many Chili's are closing and GM's changing jobs. The hot sauce was watery, the chips were oily, Chris had a burger that was burnt and no flavor when it was supposed to be a Smokehouse Jalapeno burger, I decided on honey chipotle chicken tenders to share with HG and they were terrible. The breading was extremely thin and tasted freezer burnt. Tyson has a better chicken tender in the frozen section at Walmart. I wished that I had ordered the original tenders but at the rate we were going, they probably wouldn't have been much better, Thank goodness the french fries were good!
Tonight, we're packing Chris for Louisville and us for Texarkana. We are beyond excited about the fair!!! Hailey Grace has school so I have a few errands to run and hopefully will clean/load while she is there. Debating on when we are going to head out. Then it is back to a busy week next week again.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Fun little giveaway
Mia comes to town!
The rest of the week is full like I said in the previous post. HG has school two days, Room Mother meeting in the morning. Chris and I have an appointment at the Apple store tomorrow, working on washer, the apartment maintenance coming to fix potty, packing Chris for Louisville, Parents night at school, Uncle JD flies in, Chris flies out, need to stop and see Ryan and get my watch, heading to Texarkana on Friday morning for the fair, back on Sunday to get Chris, Uncle JD flies out Monday morning.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Thursday, Friday, Saturday

She wants to wear mommy's shoes all the time

Our date night turned into bar hoping night with a friend in downtown FW

Another shot
Hailey Grace and I are supposed to be on our way to Little Rock for sweet Graham's birthday. Mom is coming here tomorrow, dad during the week and I'm still on the in law's dog duty so we're having to stay home. We were really looking forward to a Sunday in Little Rock so pretty bummed about it. Mom hasn't seen our apartment and the dogs didn't starve leaving Chris in charge so I guess it is for the best.
Hailey Grace and I had an evening in tonight. We cooked dinner in the crock pot, went to the Laundromat for washing and picked up. Hopefully our washer will be working soon. Chris worked and is out with friends. Hopefully he'll be in soon. I just don't agree with a married man being out at bars late night. Call me old fashion but I think there is no good at bars late night alone.
5 minutes left
We're gearing up for a busy few weeks weeks. Mia is heading to town tomorrow for a night or two. Dinner with Ryan and then I believe Poppy and Uncle JD later in the week are coming for a visit, Hailey Grace has school, Chris goes to Louisville, we're going to Texarkana for the fair on Friday, Meet the Teacher where they announce me as room mom to the other parents, two room mom meetings, MYC activties, pick Chris up at airport, Hailey G goes back to school, play dates, Chris leaves for Vegas, find out for sure if we get the beautiful state, a trip to Colorado in early October, dad's 60th birthday party, a trip to see family for another birthday, a trip to weatherford to see Grandpa, another mammogram, flu shot for HG, follow up dr appointment...GOODNESS GRACIOUS A LIVE...I know I am leaving a few things out.............oh yeah, Shreveport if possible. :) So if you see me the next few weeks and I'm running like crazy, so sorry but I will make it up to you. Things just keep adding up. I was really hoping for super low key in September and October since Chris will be gone 4-5 weeks in November and December.
Oh yeah, when is this fall weather going to arrive? I'm so beyond ready for it. A Colorado trip is calling my name!!