She picked out her own outfit and did her hair. It was farm day. We had jeans, boots and a cute top picked out until she saw THE DRESS. I was too tired to fight.After school, we bought these at Bass Pro. She was thrilled!

THEN...homemade pizzas! We bought the stuff yesterday and she was so excited that we had dinner by 5. After a dozen cookies. I'm bloated......terribly but totally worth it for her.

A few other highlights:
- She was eager for school.. YES!
- They studied the 'Barn Animals' today.
- She came home spelling R-E-D spells blue. Ha, she is trying to hard to do it right.
- She recognizes the capital letter A. I had an A on my shirt and she told me that I had an A on my shirt and pointed to it. Oh proud momma moment.
- Bass Pro was like a field trip.
- Bought Poppy's birthday gift. I'll post it next.
- The house is a disaster but it's one of those Life is too short days and I could care less. It stinks too. Old popcorn. Now with spiced pumpkin candle smell. You know you are jealous.
- She sleeps with Mommy when Daddy is gone. Score on both ends. I'm nice and cozy and she thinks she is Princess for a night. However...tonight when I climbed in bed there were crumbles everywhere. I mean E V E R Y W H E R E . She hid a sugar cookie under her pillow. yuk. gross.but funny. I guess ole girl is scared she'll get hungry in the middle of the night. She IS her momma's child. I am a middle of the night snacker from time to time.
- We were pj's and had a bath by 6:30 once again. SO NICE! She was asleep by 7:30.
- I love Thursday night TV!!
- Uncle JD and Kendall bought HG canvas and paints for her to paint on. I don't think they know what type of mess we are talking. I mean really messy. R E A L L Y M E S S Y but oh so fun! I can't wait. Oh and pumpkins. She'll be a carving Queen soon. She wants to carve Dora, imagine that. Or an Egg. An Egg? Seriously? What goes through that pretty little head.
- We were at Tom Thumb today (by the way, i really liked their deals on fresh food) and there was a gentleman about Poppy's age that said hi to HG. He looked a lot like Poppy.
The conversation:
the guy: Hi cutie
HG : Hey Poppy
The guy keeps walking
HG: Heeeeeeey Poppy (REALLY loud)
The guy keeps walking
HG: Why Poppy no talk to me (in the saddest face possible)
It was cute, sweet and sad all at the same time. It's really odd because this guy, he really reminded me of my dad. Maybe that is why HG felt he was Poppy too.
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