- Our day started off with a wonderful wake up, it was at 10. Yes, we all
until 10 this morning. I was thrilled when I heard the little voice down the hallway and glanced at the clock. We all needed it. Miss Priss climbed in our bed, drank her milk and entertained us until she decided she wanted chicken.
- I cooked lunch, tried to clean but it seemed as if each piece I picked up another one would show up.
- We all played until HG and I met Ryan at his apartment over by SMU. We hadn't seem him in about a month and missed him dearly. I scrubbed most of his apartment while he played with his precious HG. She found his money stash and Chuck E Cheese was going through her head.
- We brought all of Ryan's laundry home and will return it later. It was a lot His laundry fairy came to the rescue!
- Next up was Walmart. I dreaded it. HG was sleepy, ready for dinner and her molar that busted through was bleeding. I had no breakfast food so we went. I sound have taken her to Chick Fil A before school tomorrow. It wasn't a pleasant visit to Walmart including our cart hitting a bottle of wine and breaking it. I was in tears by then and the guys must have felt bad because they didn't make me pay for it. Off to the children's area for Tylenol and Teething tablets. 15 minutes later and of course we were at home she was perfect!!
- It took forever and a day to unload the car between the laundry and the groceries. I started the homemade chicken noodle soup while I did and let it simmer until ready. Chris closes so we had homemade soup, grilled cheese, grapes, tomatoes and cookies for dessert. They were cooking while we ate and smelled so good (thank goodness because the dirty laundry smell was knocking me out!)
- Bath time and bed time were super simple tonight and she was out before I could even come back in the room. I love nights like this. Hopefully she'll get up with ease in the morning rather than pitching a fit. It's orange day at school. Luckily, she chose plenty of orange Halloween shirts this year.
- A friend is engaged. Her Finance took her to Vegas, on a helicopter ride to have a picnic and then asked her to marry him in a romantic spot. How many of us had that much romance in our engagement? Not I! :) While I'm sure every one's was close to perfect, I love that some guys watch too much Bachelor and get into the proposal!
this is 3 loads
I thought this would only be 2 but I couldn't fit all the pants in one load
Yep, that is more laundry in the back. 3 loads hopefully. I have one in the wash, one in the dryer and two loads of pants already clean and hanging up.
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