As we pack our bags for the long journey home, it feels as if we just arrived. Our week out here has been pretty enjoyable but we wish Chris would have had more time off. is an opening and long hours are expected for about 6 weeks. HG and I spent a lot of it trying to find entertainment for HG. She has asked a few times to go home and play with her toys. Our hotel room is full of toys. We are heading out a little before Chris so that we can arrive in DFW by the time his flight does on Sunday.
Daddy got a new Ipad. HG is sold. She loves angry birds and the lion (not sure if it is really a lion). I love it. It was many laughs and great family time. Still trying to decide on a laptop or Ipad.
No month is complete without a trip to CEC (yuk!). We struck gold by being one of three families there and spent nearly 3 hours playing and eating while it was an icy mixture outside.

Silly faces
Uncle John and Miss Kendall's Christmas tree. We are beyond excited about seeing them Christmas afternoon but only wish we could spend more than a day with them. :(
This says it all. These are located all over the hotel parking lot. Cars are being broken into all over Fayetteville including one car being stolen from the parking lot where Aspen Creek is located. Yes, they took the whole car. And right here at the Holidays. People are just terrible. We have been taking everything out of my car, even tiny toys and pencils. Not worth the risk.
My afternoon snack. Yum right? Look closely. See that black hair? It was thick and greasy. I had been licking away prior to that. Yuk.
Making a dress out of this napkin so she can "dress up" to go to Walmart. Oh sweetie, Walmart doesn't deserve the dress up treatment.
After much begging from HG for mommy to make a silly face. I hadn't done this face in many, many years.
Showing her personality
We hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoy your Christmas family time. I have so many friends that are doing Christmas this weekend with one family and then the other next weekend. They switch off each year. That way everyone is able to make it and not rushing around on Christmas. Luckily, we are still pretty flexible since living in DFW. I do miss Christmas with all my cousins each year and I hate not seeing them but it works well in the long run.

We hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoy your Christmas family time. I have so many friends that are doing Christmas this weekend with one family and then the other next weekend. They switch off each year. That way everyone is able to make it and not rushing around on Christmas. Luckily, we are still pretty flexible since living in DFW. I do miss Christmas with all my cousins each year and I hate not seeing them but it works well in the long run.
Looks like you guys had a great time! That's GROSS about your ice cream!!! haha AND I love the silly face ;)