Monday, February 28, 2011
Great giveaway
Go check out Megan's blog, I promise you won't want to miss this.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
The most perfect Invitation

Saturday, February 26, 2011
The Front Range

Flying back to Colorado was almost like flying home for us. Having lived there 3+ years, we learned the state pretty well and found our niche of family and friends.

No decisions as to where we are going. Closer? Yes, of course we are. We would be thrilled with Colorado if we can find the best location. A few more stops in March and we hope to have a decision made.
A little Lee's & music

Sunday, February 20, 2011
Help Find Adam

Everyone is praying and still holding onto hope.
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Our planned lunch place had a 1 hr 45 minute wait.
We were past starving.
Even though most of the meds are out of my system, there is a bit still lingering.
Makes me eat like a 500 pound man.
Amazes Chris that a tiny pill can cause me to eat 3 meals from dinner until bed.
HG had a few bites of Mac n cheese to help with motion sickness.
HG had a fever.
HG threw up in the potty.
HG's eyes looked bad.
She felt bad.
ALL before leaving hotel.
Only wanting mommy, we managed to get her dressed.
A purple velour sweatsuit.
Over her Dora night gown.
She refused to take it off.
Oh well, it was a Saturday.
And she didn't feel well.
Finding a Wendy's we decided on nuggets.
In a rough area.
We survived.
It was gross.The Loveless Cafe was everything I thought it would be.
And wouldn't be.
It is a old motel for those of you who haven't been.
The smell of smoked ham hits you before you even stepped out of the car.
Of course I wanted to eat again.
I did score some biscuit mix for the next time we are actually at home.
And an order form that I have been working on.
Some of you might be getting a care package one day.
The weather didn't improve until we hit Arkansas.
It was like driving across the state lines, the sun was holding out it's arms.
Welcoming us back into nice weather.
The temps rose 10 degrees.
Our moods improved.
Almost instantly.
Thank goodness.
HG also woke up fro, a nap about this time.
Still with 99.97 F fever.
Not a big fever but opted for Motrin,
Motrin twice in two days and we haven't had any in a long time.
With in an hour, it worked.
We kept on truckin' and decided against Graceland.
We wanted to go.
Not sure about HG.
She was ready to be home to Poppy's.
So were we.
He promised dinner.
She knew it would good.
Carino's Lemon Chicken and ceasar salads.

Wile they rested, I swept, mopped and started laundry.
Not sure I could finish it all tomorrow night.
No telling what time we will arrive home.
Lots of construction on I -30.
We have to be at DFW around 9 on Monday.
We are 25 % done with our site tour.
Colorado this week.
San Antonio and College Station after a few days of rest.
Hopefully, we covered it all.
Colorado is almost like going home for us.
We miss it.
Amazing friends all long the front range.
We haven't seen most since July 2007.
That is a long time.
I guess travels and moving keeps you just a little busy.
Great friends pick up where you left off is the best part.
It will be like we all haven't skipped a beat.
Let's talk toddlers.
I know babies don't sleep.
I had a good sleeper in many ways.
In others I didn't.
She is like her daddy.
Stay up all late and sleep in.
What about when she is up at 4?
Tossing and turning until nearly 6.
No fever.
Just uncomfortable.
You think ears, right?
Or her top back molars?
I can't tell if they are in.
Really, I can't.
I think there is an extra molar on bottom.
Regardless, she hasn't been wanting to sleep much.
Right as we leave her and fly to CO.
Of course my mind is in over drive.
I know she will be fine.
I know she is SO excited about spending the night with Bella.
Bella is a dog.
When did dogs start getting so a head in life?
I hate leaving her. Hate it. Hate it.
I'm no sure if I'll ever be okay with it.
We have this bond, like I can't describe it.
Maybe it is all the time we spent alone.
Maybe everyone has this bond.
I don't know.
I didn't have I growing up.
I was a Daddy's girl.
She is stuck at my hip. Constantly.
I love it.
At times, I want to scream as any parent would.
But I love it.
I love how our lives have changed.
Raising a child is the most difficult thing you can do.
Raising a child is the most rewarding thing you can do.
You never understand until you are a parent.
I pray Kendall has this bond with their child.
I just know it will be a girl.
I know we will have a house full of girls too.
Such fun. Cousins.
Such drama years.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Redneck Dinner

We had no idea there was such a following for wild turkeys.
Wow. Oh wow.
Along with the rain and the cooler temperatures we just kept on driving.
Drove and showed Chris Vanderbilt.
I have many family members who attended this amazing University.
Vanderbilt is just south of an AMAZING downtown.
Such a fun area.
Not exactly kid friendly at night.
Dining places and Country bars as far as the eye can see.
HG enjoyed seeing the bright lights.
Spending two days in the car, she did okay with her motion sickness.
Tonight, I am ever so thankful for that large Sonic cup up front.
I pray our next child won't go through the motion sickness issues that HG has.
Not sure if my car (or future car) and handle puking kids.
That is for sure a way to get Daddy sick.
And Momma too.
Back to sight seeing.
We decided that it was dinner time, HG needed food and it would be best to head back towards the hotel.
We had wanted to try Cock of the Walk.
The parking lot looked full.
I was stressed. A sick little girl in the back.
We opted for Caney Fork.
Oh my goodness gracious alive.
I'm surprised they didn't have squirrel and rattle snake on the menu.
Our food was good, nothing to write home about though.
It was an adventure.
Blue grass music going (which I do really like).
Can't say it will be on our list when we come back to Nashville but if you are ever out this way, worth a walk through.
HG rested most of the dinner as she was still not feeling great.
I think she has her second wind after a warm bath and some motrin.
Chris and I are of course researching and she is watching Mickey on my Ipad.
Watching movies way past her bed time.
Fast forward to today.
I wasn't able to finish due to HG making herself tee tee over and over to do the tee tee dance.
At midnight.
Like 10 times.
I finally put on a strong diaper and told her to go in there.
Bad mom.
We were exhausted.
It is much cooler today but we're stopping a few places along the way home.
Loveless Cafe which I am beyond excited about.
Maybe Graceland in Memphis.
And maybe a night in Hot Springs.
Happy weekend!

Sushi of course

Benito lunch box

February 16

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Valentine's Day Special
Monday, February 14, 2011
Happy Valentine's Day

Sunday, February 13, 2011
Early Celebration

Chris and his sweet Matt.

Silly girls.

Little Mrs. Laura & I.

A rare family picture.

She was ready for that cake!
I pulled a Whitney and climbed in bed with the kids and crashed.
Father/Daughter Dance