The Pork Carnita's were awesome. Totally amazing.
The sauce thickened after they had cooled down.
Who would have thought?
They were fabulous regardless.
A little hot for youngsters.
Unless they are like mine and drink salsa from the bottle.
There must be some Hispanic genes in our casper white bodies somewhere.

Icing Alcohol Anonymous
This morning, we were treated to HG making strawberry cupcakes with pink icing.
Pink on pink, imagine that.
Not sure why on earth we make the cupcakes because all she wants is the icing.
I searched and searched for the paper cupcake holders.
Looked high.
Looked low.
Looked in HG's room.
Looked in the cabinets.
See Mommy, they are in my potty!

The rest of our Saturday has been cooped up inside.
Laundry, dishes, showers, clean up time, mess up time, emails, chicken salad.
Have I mentioned that I hate that HG can open the fridge?
Sometimes it is nice.
Sometimes it is terrible.
Raw eggs on the floor.
You could typically eat off our base boards and my floor.
I'm a clean freak.
But momma I love my eggs.
I'm still not dressed and it is after 3:30.
Showered but HG is in Dora pull ups and I in pj's.
HG is going to play at Grand Mommy and Grand daddy's tonight for a couple of hours around bed time.
We're going to dinner.
Where you ask?
No idea.
Wings since all the places will be crowded tomorrow?
Aspen Creek just to go and see what kaos is going on up there this month?
Italian food?
No idea.
It will be great though.
Adult converstations.
Nt tooting. No burbing. No giggling. No dvd players. No messes.
Happy Saturday Night!
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