For months, the hubby and I have been asked daily if HG could go see Tangled.
Many of her friends saw it.
Mia saw it with Zoey.
that was all HG needed to hear.
She was on a mission.
She was going to talks into it.
We made a deal.
When it was at the dollar movie, she could go.
I mean what mom wants to pay $5 per ticket, $9 on a hot dog, water bottle and popcorn just to stay for 5 minutes.

She was such a proud 2 year old walking into those big doors.
Grinning from ear to ear.
Amazed at all the lights, food and action.
We bought our tickets, got our junk food, went to tee tee and headed in the movie.
We sat in the back.
Luckily, it pretty empty except for the toddlers and moms.
She was scared at first.
I had to carry her.
She sat in my lap during the previews.
They were really loud.
Then Tangled started.
It was adorable.
A little old, probably better for 4+ year olds.
She did well for her first movie experience.
Only a few times did she get up to wander.
Only a few times did she sing Mary had a little lamb.
And Wheels on the Bus.
I snuck in her juice to go with her popcorn an hot dog.
We might have eaten half the bag.
Oh movie popcorn
They were out of pickles.
HG was so bummed.

GREAT date with my super sweet daughter.
She asked if we could go on a park date soon.
And a Chuck E Cheese date.
And another movie date.
AND Target date.
She is serious about this dating business.
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