She loves Yogurt pops or ice cream in her mind.
Yes, I am anal about washing them from time to time.

I can't believe tomorrow is Friday.
This week has been so full that I need an extra day.
I highly doubt anyone would care if we had TWO Saturdays this week.
From broken arms to great play dates with Nicolle and Boyd to school....
I have been asleep early at night.
Snoring asleep.
Taxes aren't done.
I spent on hour ironing HG's dresses.
Bags aren't even packed.
Dry cleaning was ready at 4.
Never made it. 

HG's little citronella plant on her patio table.
My dad is taking HG back with him to save me 7 hrs in the car.
Thank you!!
Maybe then we will pack and clean.
And go to storage.
I hate coming home to a dirty house.
The hubby's hanging tomato plant.

Hopefully it will still be there in the morning.
The tornado sirens are going off in Keller.
And golf ball size hail in Trophy Club.
We still have to do....
Hair cuts.
Eye brow waxing.
Last minute errands Packing.
The husband will still be packing in the wee hours of Sunday morning I bet.
I hope to be snoozing.
Our flight leaves at 7.
Yes, 7 in the morning.
On Palm Sunday.
Who on earth isn't at Church on Palm Sunday? I guess us this year.
This picture is so bad but I was a good distance.

Jax had so much fun on this Toddler tunes.
Hopefully there is a good Saturday night service.
I still feel like I've been hit by a dump truck.
Pray that my meds work.
Pray hard that I am not that girl throwing up through security.
And the flight.
Pray for a good juicy cheese burger waiting on me in Atlanta.
Hang over food (as I call it) seems to save me.
We have a layover.
Atlanta is known for loosing bags.
But Naples will hopefully be worth all the air sickness and last minute stress.
HG will surely be upset when she finds out we are at the beach.
However, she is singing and dancing about how excited she is to see Mia, Poppy, Aunt Collins, Cousin Carly and Uncle Chip.
You would think it was Christmas at our house or something.
He is one of the cutest and sweetest little boys around.

Most would agree with just one smile.

I sent these to school with HG today.
I'm online car shopping and camera shopping.
Surprised Kristen?
I need a camera.
I have C's digital one but honestly I forget about it.
One day.
that plant is funny! HOpefully you won't have a big mess to clean up in the morning! haha
ReplyDeleteAnd I say GET A CAMERA woman!! You love taking pictures- so you deserve a nice camera.... right?! ;)
And the little boy in Hailey's car seat is cute :)
Love the bunny shaped sandwiches! And the picture of HG getting into the freezer is hilarious.
ReplyDeleteJust put our taxes in the mail the morning I met up with you. That is the latest I've ever done them before. I kept stalling!
I am going to try the yogurt pops/ice cream for Boyd too. Thanks for the idea! :))
Have fun on your trip. I hope it all goes well and that you are feeling good!