This is the belly in the morning.
After one bowl of cereal.
I'm sure by the end of the day, it is double in size.
How far along? 12 Weeks!!!
Weight gain/loss: 1-2 pounds
.Maternity clothes? Yes. I started having to wear early with HG too. I can still wear non-maternity dresses and some tops.
Stretch marks? Not this early but hope to escape anymore.
Sleep? I am finally not exhausted all the time.
Best moment this week? Seeing the baby twice. Or I guess that was last week.
Food cravings: lots of cereal, fried stuff, chick fil a. Same as with HG.
Gender: Hopefully May 17 at the Specialist.
Belly button in or out? IN
Movement? No, I but I can't wait. Such an amazing feeling as long as it isn't 3 am.
What I miss? smaller boobs. wine after a long stressful day. hot baths.
What I'm looking forward to: Seeing baby again in 18 days.
Milestones: Making it to 12 weeks. So amazing.
You know I am sOOOO happy for you! What a cute baby belly! :))