I got pretty lucky today.
Okay, probably more than just pretty lucky.
It started out as as normal routine day.
10:30 check to see if tubes were still in ears.
Yep, they are.
Talked about how we can help prevent an ear ache while in Destin.
Got more drops, Tylenol and an antibiotic just in case.
Oh how we love our Pedi.
HG acts like they are BFF's.
After, we met Poppy for lunch at Julie's Deli.
Chicken salad, fruit and dessert for the adults.
Flower shaped grilled cheese and a cookie for the munchkin.
Julie's is one of the perfect lunch stops in Texarkana.
Upon leaving, HG demanded to go to Megan's shop.
I can't believe she remembered it was there.
I had looked on the way into lunch but didn't see her car.
We decided to see if maybe she parked somewhere else or something.
Good thing we did.
No, GREAT thing we did.
HG and Eli had to much fun running like wild little Indians.
I had a blast chatting it up with Megan.
And going through tubs of clothes.
So many with tags still on.
Megan owns a upscale resale shop that not only has resale but handmade clothing.
So all those items you see on Ebay and Etsy, stop in to see her before you pay high dollar.
I think I was there 90 minutes or so.
I mean we went through so much and I'm sure I could have spent so much more.
She starts taking winter clothes in August.
Anyways, Harper Elizabeth will be born in late October.
HG was born n July.
There will be quite the temperature difference.
Harper will be able to wear many of HG's winter clothes.
If we can get to them.
But for newborn, 0-3 and 3 months, I don't think tank dresses and itty bitty summer onesies will do.
Even my healthful breast milk couldn't keep her healthy.
A lady had just dropped off a ton of clothes.
Like imagine having 4 children and each of them having a different out fit for the year.
Her baby had that many clothes just for the first 6 months.
And there was only one baby.
Was I ever so thankful.
I wanted to cry I was so over the moon when I left.
Babies out grow stuff so fast.
They get poop and spit up on things.
Sometimes, it isn't unheard of for them to wear 4 outfits in a day.
Many more.
So finding new clothing for a couple of bucks was such a blessing.
And gently used clothing for $1 an item.
I'm talking, you couldn't tell these items were ever worn.
All name brand, mostly Carter's.
So all in all, I got 109 items.
Yep, 109.
Sounds like a lot huh?
Well it is.
But like 25 of the 109 were unused pairs of socks.
Will a newborn use 25 pairs of socks?
Probably not but many go up to 6 months.
Will a baby use that many socks.
Most definitely with a move and the silly dryer eating socks.
Here is the break down of what all I got.....
25 pairs of unused socks
6 perfect shoes
4 0-6 month tights
2 Christmas burp pads
1 My first Christmas bib
12 burp pads/diaper changers
1 Christmas Bloomer
1 black/hot pink tutu outfit.
1 Christmas time dress with bloomers
2 pink velour outfits
2 fleece outfits
1 sweater
1 hat w/matching bib
7 outfits
6 pants
14 onesies (all interchangeable with the 6 pants)
1 swaddle me (never opened for $2!!!)
2 newborn onesies with hand covers (perfect for hospital)
3 gowns
6 cotton rompers (or called sleepers)
5 fleece rompers (sleepers)
1 cold weather romper to go over clothing
1 pink terry cloth romper
3 headbands w/bows
1 size 4 bloomer with HG's initials on them...$12, they were higher than everything else!!!
109 items........All for $133.
I think it was a great deal.
Two of the onesies I found, I recently bought at Target on clearance for $5.58 each.
Needless to say, I took those back today and paid $2 for one and $1 for the other.
Much better than $11.
If you haven't been to 2Sprouts, you must stop in really soon!!!!
Here are just a few pictures I snapped while going through everything.

Some of the Carter's outfits

I love this one.
Simple yet adorable for winter.

An adorable Christmas time dress.
Those how know me know my girls will be in matching dresses for Christmas.
This will be great for all the other events we have.
Or for pictures.
All 4 of us always matched.

Not only did I love this but HG too.
Looks like something HG would wear.
It is a NB so maybe something fun to take pictures in.
$45 on tag.
I paid $7.

These were $20 something.
I can't remember exact price.
And they are in the other room.
My chips and salsa are sitting to heavily to walk in there. :)
I paid $6.
I would have paid much more.
I love love love love these.
My sister and I only wore these white lace panties growing up.
I remember begging for real panties.
I was in middle school before that ever happened.
HG loves her fun panties so much to switch.

I love this style of shoes.
These came from Neimans.
But I picked up for a couple of bucks.
I'm sure they were close to $50.

Will a infant wear this many shoes?
Probably not.
They are all soft though.
Almost Robeez style as well.
They were too cute to pass up and probably never worn.
I love them all.
HG's favorite are the shiny purple of course.
Every thing has to be shiny to her.
While I finished rummaging through all the clothing, Mia came and picked up HG.
Poor HG didn't want to leave, she was having so much fun with Eli.
Then I reminded her of her date with Mia and the movies.
She had been so excited to see Kung Fu Panda.
I hear she did well for the 1st hour and then wasn't really into sitting still.
She danced around while finishing the movie.
She dances at home while watching movies.
I finished up at Megan's Shop, returned some clothes and mailed HG's birthday invitations.
Crazy they are already in the mail!!!!
I have a few more I need to make.
We hung out at Poppy's office for a while.
HG loves being up there.
KiKi and Yaya are just too much fun.
All the baby clothes shopping will work up an appetite.
HG, Auntie Collins and I had Mexican for dinner.
I think we ate with all the older folks.
Then HG decided to squirt Edge shaving gel into her eyes from point blank range.
She was trying to squirt it in her hand but had it backwards.
Have you ever felt the shaving cream in your eyes?
But the force of it hurt like the dickens I'm sure.
It covered her eyes then the wall behind her.
I haven't heard her scream like that.
I panicked.
But she could see.
So I knew it would be okay.
She was hurting soooooo bad.
I kept telling her to cry big tears and flush out her eyes.
She would let me squeeze cold water from a wash cloth but it still burned.
I felt so bad.
Currently, she is tucked nicely in bed and has been for 2 hours.
After the bath episode (her hair still has shaving cream all in it) and no nap (movie), she was ready for bed.
I am now working on her pink cones for her Target popcorn to be served at her party.
Target popcorn, she said was a must.
We're let her help us decide on all the food, all her favorites turned into Minnie Mouse theme.
The cones are all different shapes and sizes but all pink.
I figured it would be the easiest way to serve the popcorn.
Otherwise, HG would have her hands touching every one's snack.
I can think of a few who would not like it.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Tuesday!!