The temps reached a whopping 100 degrees yesterday.
I'm sure it hit it once again today.
Our car temps have been hoovering around 104-106F.
It is only June 6th.
Goodness, what will August have in store for all of us?
Last night, the little one ended up staying with the in laws.
Along with her Zyrtec, Vicks fan, Vicks rub on, ear drops and boogie wipes.
Her allergies are just a kickin'.
And her ears a flarin' from all the swimming and drainage.
But, I think it all helped out.
She slept from 11-8:45.
Nice rest compared to the last few nights.
The husband and I headed to Fish City Grill.
In the past, it has been fantastic.
Like totally awesome.
Well it just wasn't.
The oyster nachos were fabulous!
Sounds strange, I know.
Even if you don't enjoy oysters, I assure you that you would love these.
They are fried.
Then covered in this amazing pico.
Topped on a chip with this amazing sauce.
There is no oyster taste.
Next up was 2 pounds of crawfish.
The husband had a dozen raw oysters.
The crawfish were over cooked.
The oysters weren't washed.
The corn and potatoes were out of this world though.
Oh and Pirates of the Caribbeans 3D.
We had planned on seeing Bridesmaids but it didn't start until 10:45.
It was only 8:45.
Pirates began an hour later in the oh-so-cold theater.
The graphics were great.
The 3D was neat.
But seriously, how many dang Pirates of the Caribbean can they make?
I bet we all see another in the future.
Over all, it was good.
Walking out, the husband looked at me and said......
We would have laughed a lot more if we would have watched Bridesmaids.
Thank you Jim and Lynn for keeping our munchkin so the husband and I could enjoy a little adult time.
My MIL made these for HG for breakfast this morning.
Then sent the rest home with us.
Of course HG wanted another for dinner.
Momma had to eat one too.
They were so yummy!
Sounds like we'll have chocolate ones for HG's birthday party.
we might have to put a pink icing bow on it to go along with the Minnie Mouse theme.
For stuffing!
In the middle of the heat, I wanted stuffing.
Thank goodness for boxed stuffing.
It was so yummy.
I wasn't too happy to share either.
I just knew the little one wouldn't like it.
Wrong, she wanted seconds.
Great way to beat the heat.

Before dropping HG off in Irving and after Mass, we headed to Weatherford.
Grandpa Bell was due a visit from us.
HG was thrilled to be out there.
He is a wonderful man.
Higher than the last time we were there.
Notice how high the boat in the background is.

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