We've had a nice weekend so far.
The husband is in Kansas hunting with his dad and brothers.
They are having a good hunt, enjoying men time and the cooler temps.
I'm laying in bed just finishing up Sweet Home Alabama.
Oh how I could watch this show a million times.
Mom came over yesterday for a visit and to check on us.
She treated us to dinner of HG's choice.
Babe's of course.
Girl ate the white meat off of two entire chicken breast.
So funny that she loves that place.
Mia took her to Target and got her an ice cream play doh set.
This is a BIG deal.
It was on her Santa list.
Lets just say we've played with it a TON since.
Goodness, girl loves some messy play doh.
With any visit, we had to take her up to the Restaurant.
Dip, mac n cheese, pot roast, ice cream, the works.
Always so yummy.
We had a great time while she was here and hope she visits again soon.
HG loves having sleep overs as she calls them.
It isn't in the best shape but is serving the purpose.
Amazing once you actually put a nice spread on a bed, it changes the whole look.
We're changing colors eventually but haven't found anything we just love.
Or I should say that we love and can afford.
Some sets are well over $500.
With kids....eh no thanks.
Still looking for our matching pillows.
I added a thermal curtain the color of the gold in the spread to the window last night.
Our room was so nice this morning and not hot.
We might have had one too many iced cookies.
Played in the play area for far too long.
Road this ice cream truck three times at 75 cents each ride.
But we were having a blast.
She was so good.
I enjoyed sitting and watching her play for well over an hour with all the little kids.
So cute.
Also while there, I stepped in to Jc Penny's.
Typically I am not a huge fan but there are good deals to be had there.
I have found great sundresses, maternity and house stuff.
I wanted to see what their curtains and bed spreads looked like.
We never made it there.....
The kids area. 80% off Carter's.
Yes, 80 % off.
Harper scored big time.
I spent $32 and got her 10 things, one that can be 2 outfits so really 11 things.
HG got a stuffed Woody from Toy Story.
I'm talking maybe 2 feet tall Woody for $4.74.
We saved $117 total!
That is my kind of shopping day.
It wasn't the hard plastic but rather a cheap plastic lid.
Oh my goodness, it was totally funny.
She went nuts on that cup.
She went nuts period.
I was crying because I was laughing so hard.
It was hilarious.
I could't quit laughing.
When there is a big head on your cervix and bladder and you can't stop laughing......
Yeah, good things don't happen.
I assume she is talking about In n Out burgers?
She has only been once but can't figure out where else she'd be talking about.
Sorry, wasn't up to driving and waiting in line.
Steak in Shake was red and white so it worked.
She had sliders.
I had a burger.
We shared a milk shake.
They have some special going on right now.
Our entire meal was $3.48.
I think we will be returning soon.
Their burgers aren't fantastic.
I love french fries.
As long as they are cooked properly.

Blowing bubbles in the bubble bath.

What we expected to be a perfect visit, turned out just the opposite.
She is still at 3 pounds.
My fluid dropped 5 cm in a week.
It is hoovering around what is lowest acceptable amount.
My Specialist was very concerned.
I ran into the same issue with HG.
They delivered her two weeks later.
Once it reached 5cm.
They got in there and it was really only 2 cm left.
We are super close to 5 cm.
I see my regular OBGYN on Tuesday for another BBP and NST.
I see my Specialist on Friday for the same.
I was told to have a hospital bag packed just in case.
If you have an extra prayer, please say it for Harper.
I am washing all the clothes I have for her right now.
Packing a couple of the smallest onesies I have for her in my bag.
They will still be too big if I deliver in the next 2 weeks.
I can always repack larger clothes later.
Wow, great bubbles.
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