This week was over before I could blink. I'm sure having a Holiday that extended the weekend helped with that. Today was a beautiful, cool day. I didn't see a cloud in the sky until late afternoon. Tomorrow, we will wake to a dusting of snow. Wild Texas weather.
Harper had a follow up with her ENT today. You know because we like to be on weekly follow ups. ha.
She was told that she looked the BEST she has since 4 months of age. Did you hear that? THE BEST.
I was tickled pink. We finish our antibiotic on Friday, continue with the asthma/allergy medicine daily and reflux medicine. We can also add Zytrec if needed from time to time. We are saying our prayers that she continues doing well on her Singular. As you can see, she always entertains the office. When we were walking in, her ENT told her she loved her boots and so her. Harper started saying boot feet. Baby girl is taking in and learning so much.
In Grapevine, they have grape sticks and in Bedford it is cherry.
Today was her first time with cherry anything and she scored two.
We had to pry them away from her.
The girls got into my aquaphor.
Good times I tell you.
We will be greasy for a while I'm afraid.
Six hair washes for Harper and one for HG so far.

I'm a little obsessed with clean floors.
Our grout in the kitchen is white but usually stays grungy.
I tried something new today and hope it keeps it white longer.
Love Harper in those glasses! ;)
ReplyDeleteI know, the last week or two have flown. I can barely tell what day it is lately.
This weather is crazy, and a bit too cold for me!!
Harper is getting so big! We need to see y'all sooooon. Kensley asked about Hailey a couple days ago. She asked when we'd get to see her again and if we could go to the beach again. ha! So I think we need to get together this summer! I'm not sure when we'll find out about our next move--- so let's try to plan something for the beginning of the summer!