Still not doing the back float with ears in but back to that next week with plugs.
She is coming into the pool for me from the side now.
This is a big accomplishment when lessons are given.
Something we work up to and typically not until the end of water babies 2 or 3.
We are still finishing up 1.
Also, she will also kick those tiny feet at the speed of light while smiling ear to ear the whole time.
Such an important thing to learn and great exercise for the girls and momma to.
Of course HG is rocking that pool, there is no surprise there.
Full lengths again.
She has so much strength and is the youngest but the tallest in her class by far.
Five years until her first mile swim!!
After swim, HG had her first tea party wih her BFF.
Sweet Anna went over and beyond preparing for all of the activities.
HG, she just wanted to play.
New toys, lots of fun.
I felt terrible because Anna put a lot of work into it but kids will be kids.
Her little brother got sick so we were headed out.
HG threw a fit and I carried her out kicking and screaming.
Talk about embarrassing.
All evening, she has been worried if I forgave her along with God and Jesus.
Such a sweet soul trying to understand the world.
This past weekend was fun filled yet still low key with parties, friends and family.
Saturday, we had a birthday party at The Arc in Coppell for Jonah.
We LOVE this place and perfect for birthdays of any ages. SO fun!
Jonah's little sister and Harper will be in the same MDO class next fall.
She is so cute and has the most perfect hair on earth.
Seriously, she does.
party, we braved an early dinner with good friends.
This is a rare treat, taking the girls out
Another rare treat around here.
Sounds like it was a nice weekend. Love that shot of you and HG in your pretty dresses! And of course Harper looks like a cute little doll in her green onesie too. I miss the onesie days!