July 11 is always free Slurpee day at 7-11. Thank you Kristen W for reminding us this year and we braved a crazy one in Southlake. There are a million ones around us but couldn't think of where a single one is at the time. Lucky for us, Grandmommy managed her way to the front and filled cups with what was left. Not many choices this year. Next year, we will go earlier than 5 in the evening. Wonder if Indiana has 7-11's.......

Thursday was a busy and fun day. Grandmommy came and spent the day with us after swim lessons. Both girls of course rocked their lessons, we are sad that there is only 6 weeks left of the session. Lunch at Babe's, cupcakes across the street, shopping at Sam Moon and Tuesday mornings, then slurpees. Such a fun day! Well except for the chicken I found in my purse/diaper bag the next morning. Harper napped 15 minutes all day. ALL DAY. She crashed around 9 (finally!!!!) and got up at 1:30 for the day. As in the middle of the night. Nope, not sick at all. Teething a little but that is all. Talk about a bummer!

Friday, the husband flew back in to help one of his best buds move and to see us. The girls and I made a quick dash to IKEA before picking him up for another set of curtains. I miscounted on Wednesday when we were there. We grabbed some freebirds after DFW then headed to Jason and Jessica's stocked with cinnamon rolls for their breakfast Saturday and a stainless cooler full of iced beer. Beer and moving just seems to go hand in hand with these guys. The girls tested out their pool then played with Debbie, Kristen and Jessica while the men worked on a few projects. Much to our surprise, they had been working all day and everything was unloaded and moved. Whoa! They worked their tails off in 102 heat. The house is adorable and has an amazing yard. The back yard is gigantic, so green and beautifully landscaped. Oh, it is mack dab in the middle of the city and they still got all of that. :)
Saturday was a lazy morning around the house followed by a visit to the husband's brothers house. They recently moved into a great house and we have been eager to go over for a visit. We had dinner plans with the in laws so it worked out that we could stop by on our way to their house for a fun visit. So much fun that we ended up just staying put and ordering out since the in laws and Uncle Mark (the husbands other brother was also in town) were already with us. Nice to have all the extra room for the kids in a kid proof house. Amber snapped some great pictures that you can see here on her blog. All the kids were so cute together.
As I said earlier, the husband flew in just for a short amount of time and is landing right around now. We woke to the most perfect morning here in Texas. Cool, rainy and gloomy. We laughed and asked if we were really in Crested Butte. Both girls slept in, HG later than Harper of course but I'll take anything past 7-7:30. Hailey Grace loves biscuits with country gravy so she woke to a nice surprise as Harper and I prepared a lavish breakfast for the late risers. While we should have been full for a while, we jumped in the car when the husband left to work for a bit. A short time later, we were rolling ourselves out of Aspen Creek. Sweet Harper slept the majority of the time until HG pranced on her. We never enjoy the husband leaving, both girls bawling and then HG was again at bedtime. I long for the day where they no longer shed tears weekly over their hero leaving. Luckily, we have some fun things planned this week if the rain holds off a tad.
One week and my precious first born will be 5 going on 13. Tears roll down my cheeks just thinking about it. My precious and amazingly sweet cousin, who was also my mom's best friend, lost her dad this week. Everything happened pretty quickly, in a matter of a few weeks. She was so very close to her dad, best of friends. Please pray for Emily and the rest of her family during this time.
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