The husband
finally made it home on Friday morning instead of Tuesday night late.
One day was work related and the rest was US Airways.
Have we mentioned they are the pits when flying in and out of a small town in North Carolina?
Thankfully, he is home and we greeted him at the airport.
Sweet Harper love ran out of the bathroom and searched the airport baggage claim area screaming Daddy.
She stole the hearts of on lookers.
Her last two year molars have been giving her a rough time still.
We have holes in the area so they are bound to be in soon. |
Play doh messes.
They can buy hours of entertainment. |
Little boy clothing, newborn and 0-3 months from Stephanie for Hudson.
We've already washed it and have it ready to go.
I'm sure the girls will have their way with some of the stuff and we will have to wash again.
They love it as do we. |
Seriously, squeezes my heart. |
Harper has been having far too much fun with the bottles from Stephanie.
I might have to give her the ones we used with her, they are mostly girly.
She loves to feed her babies. |
Camera wild with HG
Apparently we did not give her enough goldfish. She helped herself to the entire bag.
I bet you all can guess how much she really ate.
Two goldfish.
HG had a hang nail and an ingrown toe nail that was infected this week while in Little Rock.
Scott clipped it and looked at it really good.
This is what it looked like on Friday when we woke.
Slight panic so we headed to the Dr that afternoon.
The infection is healing and the healing of the skin is the infection leaving.
Okay? A little odd but it makes sense. Once the swelling went down and the blisters exploded, the peeling began. The more peeling, the less tender. We soak, work on the toe nail and put ointment on for a week.
Harper crashed but if you touched Elmo or the sticker on her head, she woke screaming.
I love fresh ingredients for pasta salad.
4 C pasta
4 C broccoli heads cut
1 C orange bell pepper (I love red and yellow too!)
1 C sliced black olives
1 C diced grape tomatoes
1 C purple onion diced
1-2 C grated parmesan cheese
1 1/2 - 2 C light Italian dressing
Toss and chill (we do over night).
I love this topped with chicken, shrimp or chicken sausage for quick lunches or snacks.
Harper dressed herself.
Yeah, not sure baby Hudson will be such a good sport as baby Keller is.
We had a end of summer fish fry tonight with some friends.
While it was warm out, we enjoyed everyone so much.
The Holcombes, Deckers and Wilkersons are always such a blast.
Nothing welcomes fall more than an end of summer fish fry.
Fall, you are welcome to come any time now.
Meghan is so fun with the kids.
She measured me tonight and in 15 weeks, I have grown 1 1/2 cup sizes.
Guess I will be taking a trip to VS this week. :)
Plus, the kids all get along so well.