Our meet the teacher is always in the mornings following by a parent evening later on in the month, without kids. This way, the parents stay with the kids during meet the teacher and actually attend a meeting.....o
r stay with your screaming kid! Later on during the month, the school hosts a parents night where only parents come to visit and talk with the teachers. It also allows for parents to meet other parents they might not already know. In Harper's class, I only know one out of 13 kids so I AM eager to meet those other parents sharing a classroom this year.
Things went fairly smooth today. Harper let everyone know she has a set of lungs for 30-45 minutes but was nicely coloring
on a table top when I came to pick her up. She didn't even see me when I came in so naturally I enjoyed watching her. This was the first time I have ever been able to observe her with other adults when she thinks I am not there. Each mark she would do, I could see her say pretty to the teacher she was sitting with. She does this at home,
oh so pretty momma, after each color or scribble on the floor. Today assured me she will survive, might be a rocky start and Elmo along with a pacifier will have to accompany her to school the first few weeks. Two of the teachers also taught Hailey Grace so HG was trying to pump Harper up after we left today. HG of course did awesome. She is one of three girls in her class so this is a big change but other two are lovely. Both of their Moms are great too! HG has the same teachers as she did last year and they remained in the same room. I can not express how
happy I am they moved up to the Pre k 5 class. Adorable little kids, I pray this is an amazing school year for everyone. This is the first year i am not room mom for HG's class, heart breaking to me.
Tonight was our first soccer meeting. We ended up going through the YMCA of NFW but would be thrilled if Southlake-Grapevine called tomorrow with a spot. This soccer season will be fun but even after tonight, some of the parents that will be involved already make me nervous while others we met we already enjoyed. The guy that put the meeting on was great. A learning step for us all. We are already looking into sports and swim team in Indiana.
Pancakes and bacon What do you think she ate? |
Hudson giving a thumbs up or a gig em already as Daphne pointed out. :)
Big girls before school.
Typical Harper
HG at her desk
Soccer shoe shopping this afternoon.
Luckily, we ended up with fairly inexpensive and black.
Then stopped at TCBY for froyo.
Reminded me of my grandfather, Whit
Her ears are doing better but she still is pulling some. No more leaking, just white stuff in them.
She loves makeup
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