We are thrilled that baby Hudson hit the 5 pound mark at our appointment on the 23rd. Yes, we realize that it can be off a bit but it is still a big milestone for us. No official pre term labor label, only 4 or so contractions an hour AND fluid is good. We passed our first goal and now on to our BIG goal, just a little over a week away. Soooooooooo soon I tell ya. Hopefully we won't be visiting the Specialist again, he reminded me it was a wonderful thing not to see him. Which day we will deliver, no idea exactly. We have plans and dates but it is pretty much one of those deals where I show up and we'll pull the plug aka deliver. My fluid was actually up from last week and 11 cm higher than Harper was at this point which was basically nothing. Wild how much pregnancies can vary. Still, no bag packed but must get in that soon. I do have toiletries and 3 pajamas set out, that is a lot more than I had with either girl. I had a big gap in my appointments, probably one of the longest the entire pregnancy, 10 full days between appointments.
We finished out our Christmas celebrations catching a variety of things. It hasn't been much fun regardless that this is supposed to be a magical time of the year. Magical for snotty noses, throwing up and bad breathing troubles for us. We are praying we are on the mend as I came down with something on Saturday and my chest feels like it is full, Harper's chest sounds like it is going to blow up and now HG is on day 2 with a progressively growing worse croupy cough. To make matters worse, our pedi is close until Thursday so it is all over the phone or walk in clinic (if they are even open). A husband who has been working and showing houses and no family in town to help makes for long tiring days. My mom almost canceled a big trip and my dad has offered to come over (4 hour drive) but I keep telling him no. While I would love them here, it is silly that they would have to cancel expensive airfare or court to help. We're truckin' along, making it while I am drinking lots of decaf hot tea on meds and will add a new med tomorrow praying it isn't pneumonia for HG and I. I did however manage to cook hot meals thanks to my slow cooker yesterday. Whole chickens and beans soaked over night were a blessing. Not only could I actually smell it but it turned out delicious with a few added sides. Taco Tuesday to the rescue today and a prepared meal for Hudson's arrival tonight, cheese ravioli and garlic bread. Speaking of Hudson again, we MUST get well and over the breathing issues and coughs or we all can't be around him. :/ Yes, we have already been told that if we aren't better, we can't be around him.
My mom and sister came on the 23rd and 24th to celebrate Christmas with us. We had an awesome time with them. Both girls LOVE their Mia and Auntie Collins more than anything else. They were gifted the most perfect Patagonia jackets in an 8 and 3T to make it through next winter. Both actually fit this year. That silly HG is in a 7 already so we can only hope her growth slows just a little so we can afford her clothes. :) Chris and I were both highly jealous of the beautiful jackets. We are both into the girls getting one or two nicer gifts that we know they will love and use rather than a ton of small, random things. These jackets and memories with family definitely hit the spot.
We had a low key Christmas Eve of sort. After a few hours of cranky girls, a cat fight a few days prior in Mass during the Homily and a big Christmas Day planned, we opted out of the children's mass. I envisioned the thousands of germs and thought about how it takes Harper no time to catch something little and it turn into something major. I might have freaked a little. Besides the doctor, th only place the girls have been allowed to get out for was Christmas Day and a car ride or two. Such mean parents they have. :)The girls needed rest and we needed in the attic. :) The husband and I kept Christmas for the girls to a minimum his year. They have everything under the sun and really only wanted a few items so worked out nicely. One of the things we thought we would hate has actually turned out nice. HG got a Furby from Santa and both girls adore it. Yes, she can get annoying but we just put her to sleep. Harper totes it around from sun up to sun down fighting HG's hand away as much as she can. I think we will be investing in another one very soon.
Christmas Day, we arrived in Irving at the husband's parents house around lunch. We wanted time to visit being our last holiday here on the actual day. Plus you never know what the future holds. The house is always full of wrapped packages, food and faces. This year, the girls great grandmother was able to be there adding to the nice day. Lots of excitement, kids and adults will always make for some good smiles. The girls were spoiled as usual and have enjoyed their gifts tremendously. A Princess castle, Legos and coloring pads are the favorites. The husband and I unloaded the items and went back through them upon arriving home. We seriously had no earthly idea what we were given or what the girls got, it was wild when opening gifts.

Christmas always comes and goes quickly. We were all spoiled this year and very thankful.
Harper loves strollers.
Why do they make anything metal for children?
Everything needs to be thick, sturdy, safe plastic no matter how fun the metal items are.
Harper's big Santa gift to keep up with her big sister's Mercedes.
Brobee likes to ride too.
Santa brought it, she was SO excited!!
Christmas morning excitement.
Doc McStuffins will fix you right up.
You know that gift they HAD to have?
The one we searched for months ago only to have her find it.
Yeah, I am not sure HG has even played with it.
Might be passed down to Harper before the week is over.
ahhhh! I can't believe baby Hudson will be here so SOON! And I get to see him when we move up to the area! yay!
ReplyDeleteI hope all of you girls get well SOON. No fun being under the weather- especially right before having a newborn!!
That's funny we had the same blog post title! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that baby Hudson is growing and doing so well.
Harper always makes me smile in her outfits! Love her knee pads!