Monday, August 18, 2014

School bus

The husband and I have always been on the same page on this subject, we agrees that our kids wouldn't ride the bus. We never gave it a second thought, we just always knew that I would take the kids to school and pick them up.  This was always something very important to us. We also never imagined living in Indiana, land of the corn fields. :)

 So as we adjust to life here in Indiana, we also have to adjust other areas in our life. This is a hard adjustment for us as well being anti bus riding. Riding the bus here in Indiana is part of the school day. All the kids do it at her elementary. We live in a very nice neighborhood and the parents were shocked when I said HG was a car rider. The school tells you to put your kids on the bus. HG begged to ride the bus since she was the odd ball out and late each day. She had to walk to her classroom alone, all the other kids and teacher were already in the classroom.
So Monday we tried it out......

Harper was beyond excited to see her sister.

The second day.

Then the third day, we MISSED the bus. We forgot it moved 4 minutes earlier. Whoops!

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