Incredibly hard to believe that November is almost over. I think I have said that with every month this year. With a baby and the last baby, we want time to stand still. We want to soak up every single moment of babyhood while enjoying the big sisters at the same time.
Last week we were lucky enough to dine with some friends at Jagger's. |
The husband is incredibly busy with
Jagger's opening. The dates of actual opening have been tossed around some but no worries, it is almost here. It is normal for dates to be moved during openings, especially the original Jagger's opening. The girls love going up there and seeing Daddy's work. He hasn't been around much lately so he surprised the girls with chocolate donuts this morning.
Hudson wasn't exactly a fan of green peas, he sort of used them as baseballs. You know, throwing them at the walls, floor and family members. Glad he thought that was hilarious and not smelly.
Do you ever wonder what in the hell goes on during the night when people sleep?
This is all snot. Impressive huh?
Yeah, no he isn't going to the potty in the Elmo Potty. He was sitting and plotting on how he could reach the paper since he can't climb on top of the potty yet. Takes all of 2 seconds and he is laughing his rear off unrolling it as fast as he can.
Yes, you read that correct. As if an allergy to eggs wasn't enough, milk too. Lets just say the formula was rough so we're now on soy and doing okay. No eggs or dairy for this kid.
No words. Sometimes I think he and Harper might be more a like than we all think. :)
More allergy testing this week for dairy.
See, I was in the bathroom with him but cleaning the sink and cabinets.
These kids, they are quick.....Or I am getting older and slower.
Camo loves the snow. But snow hides his poop. So when he is galloping through the snow, he doesn't know where he pooped and runs through it. Then tracks is all over the downstairs because he doesn't want to go to his kennel. Not sure how to give a dog a bath in 10 degrees tonight and can't take him anywhere because I am not putting him in my car with poop on his foot. Can't you imagine what he
my mud room and his kennel smells like at the moment? That almost caused me to begin drinking at noon today.
We began decorating for Christmas, Hudson thinks all these people are for play and chewing.
Oh and baby Jesus is MIA.
If that isn't bad karma, I don't know what is.
Harper couldn't eat her friend turkey waffle. That is okay, it isn't really like she eats much any way.
Cheers! Drinking hot chocolate, two sips each and then they poured it out.
Making a casserole.
I love our neighborhood.
The girls hadn't been to
Bubba's yet so we decided to
let them act like we never let them out of the house monkeys for lunch. We arrived and found Bubba's on a wait which was awesome for them but not so hot for crying, starving kids. We all survived, the kids loved it. Harper of course only had french fries and shared a dessert with HG.
Baby boy
FINALLY has shoes for his little toes. 5W and they may or may not have cookie monster on them. I wasn't a fan but at $7, they were too cheap to pass up.
Man problems huh? Pizza and the bottle.
Be still my heart, he is so big.
Whoa wait....they look like they are talking and getting along.
Those lips and cheeks are so kissable.
Harper equals a love of panties and shoes.
Hailey Grace loves to push
drive the stroller like a dang race car everywhere we go.
I spy Harper sleeping. Those boots in the buggy, we did not buy because she threw them at me but they are $11 at Walmart and ADORABLE. With fast growing feet and the icky snow, rain, mud, etc, they are perfect for little ones.
Oh yes, you know she loved this outfit with her fur boots.
Lunch with Daddy earlier this month at one of our local Mexican food places
that is about half as good as Texas places.
Learning to hold the bottle.
Gymnastics, twice a week is a beautiful thing for her.
He doesn't like the cold and rides to the bus stop in Harper's seat.
No worries, it is just two houses away when he faces forward.
Yes, she is actually asleep.
Sweetness dressed herself for gymnastics.
Watching snow flurries.
Oh big guy!
She loves seflies.
Still sleeping in her toddler bed even though is sits right next to her big bed. Her big bed that collapsed.
Early bedtimes lately since skipping swim some.
Big boy.
Harper enjoyed cleaning up messes today.
Remember the poop from above? Well this is what happened right before. Hudson poured out a can of soy formula. Formula smells bad but soy, it is horrible! Lets not even talk about the fact will have to buy more tomorrow.
And an unnamed kid spilled a glass of iced tea during all of this.
Buddy Boy had to go to doctor again today for his cough.
Harper is star of the week this week at school. Similar to line leader.
She made these with me yesterday for her classmates, took oreos and brought in a brand spanking new book, The
Little Princess.

He hates the cold but loves the inside of a cold fridge.
We have had bronchitis, three sinus infections, one slight positive for RSV but lots of fun and focusing on turkey markers right now. Turkey markers, such a fun kinder project.