The days seem to be slow moving at the moment but I know they just feel that way. We're missing the South, tons of friends, warmer weather, sickness invaded the last two weekends lingering into the week and zero parent time out for myself. Then add a horrible experience at Harper's school leaving us with questions about her return. And it has snowed, rained or been cloudy for a week. Thankfully, one of our beloved baby-sitters is scheulded to come for 3 hours tomorrow and she said she was staying for us to go to dinner or whatever we wanted. I'm so excited, I could kiss her.
But some fun things first.....
We had a Spring party at Hailey'sschool.
Learned Harper doesn't like worms. She won't walk outside after a rain.

Hudson turned 14 months and turn into a toddler it seems.

Momma got stitches. I had a spot/mole removed. Just my luck, the dr didn't get the entire mole. Wth? So now I have to wait another month, pay another $50 co pay to have her re look. Then I'm sure I'll have to pay another $50 co pay for her to correct it. Needless to say, after she corrects it, I will find a new dermatologist. I'm over $500 in co pays since October because she doesn't treat our breakouts and eczema the same appointment. Or she doesn't do full body cancer screens with any other appointment. Why this wasn't a red flag, I am so upset with myself. She was highly recommended. Let's not talk about what your skin looks like after stitches.

Thankfully it improves each day.

Lots and lots of Barbie's lately.

Oh Hudson, you are pushing your limits. Two seconds to hang something already on a hanger in Harper's closet. Two seconds.

And because you know the floor is so over rated.

He loves cleaning. Our little janitor.

Harper's laugh is contagious.

She is a helper but wants to earn quarters.
Momma, I don't work for free.

See, more Barbies!

He wasn't a Harper fan this day.
Typical day.
Lost a tooth on Christmas Eve and another on St Patrick's Day.
until next time, we'll keep on climbing..........
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