Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hug your kids tight

I have another blog that I am working on but laundry and errands keep coming in the way. I promise I'll post it soon.
Right now, it is serious me posting on our blog. I ran into Target for things I couldn't live with out, I mean doesn't that include everything in Target? As I was in the check out line, a mom was talking to a Target employee in a panic. You could tell something was wrong by the tears strolling down her face. I decided to step forward just enough to listen. Her little one was lost. She couldn't find him anywhere. After looking all over Target, she asked the worker for help. Unfortunately, the worker described the little one to a T, down to the beanie worn. My heart dropped because the next thing that came out of the worker's mouth was that the little one left with another adult a minute ago. The mom dropped everything and ran outside with the worker close behind. I think ALL the moms standing around in Target said a prayer right that instant. Tears were vi sable on many faces. The cops arrived, the workers searched Target, you had to check out with an employee when leaving and couldn't leave until the cops were present.

It only takes a second for a toddler or child to turn around and walk off. A second. Those of you who have kids, understand that. You might be reaching for the cheese and they wonder off that fast. It is scary. It could have been any one of us. Hold your kids, keep them in the buggies or on a kid friendly leash. Oh gosh, I couldn't imagine the pain going through that mom's body. It is something I pray I never have to experience. I've "lost" HG in stores from climbing under clothes. I panicked but found her in a matter of a minute or two. I was in the check out line for over 15 minutes.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday

I don't venture out much on Black Friday. I'm not even sure I even like Black Friday. I mean who really likes crowds? Italic Fighting and rushing for an item only to be pushed down or sitting out in the freezing weather for hours to get inside? Not exactly my style but part of me wishes it was. I fought the crowds at COACH a few times and then at Discount tire only by accident. COACH is totally worth it and I usually get 70-90% off so who would turn that down? Now, throw in a little sweet red head and you rethink the crowds, traffic and early morning. You put on your big girl panites and venture out. Kuddos to my friend Kristen, she made Kohl's at 5 this morning. I wish I had her drive for sure. She snapped a few great deals. I do love Kohl's and their sales.

My alarm went off at 7 as usual this morning but where as I usually turn it off and use HG as my alarm, I was wide awake. I hoped the crowds were slowing as I braved the cold and headed to Hurst. We have Express Toys R Us in Grapevine/Southlake but Hurst is the closest full store as they call it. While the place was still crowded, there were no lines to get in the door. I waited in the parking lot for a buggy because I assumed there were none inside. My assumption served right and I was eyed with envy as I strolled in. Poppy asked me to do his Christmas shopping for HG as well so I was hoping to knock the rest of ours out as well as his. I have a few cute items already in great hiding places (a remote dog on a leash, bracelets, lip gloss, H purse, dress up shoes, dress up clothes, Diego, Dora night gown, Dora Crocs, Dora house shoes, etc) so really we could have survived without adding anything else. But, with young children it is so fun on Christmas morning seeing the excitement in their eyes. I'd spend every penny I had just to see that excitement, it makes all the crowds and money worth it. I scored a Fisher Price Little People doll house in pink (not the one I wanted but it is cute and doesn't include a million pieces. 2 year old and lots of pieces can't never be good), Olivia purse, Olivia jewelry box for her diva jewelry, Wonder Pets school house, Tuck bath toy (wonder pets), dr kit, 3 adorable outfits 50% percent off so $7.49 for the top AND bottom....one of which HG found today and decided she had had to sport it. Little did we know that a bad case of car sickness was soon to arrive. Another one was really deep purple with ruffles and last but not least, zebra pants with a pink top with zebra edging. All are simply adorable and steals. I'm tempted to go back tomorrow!!

Next up was Carter's where I was pleasantly surprised at their sales. Two thermal pj's, one that is winter theme and one that is pink with monkeys for $8 each, 1 pair of fleece aqua pants for $5, a black fleece zip jacket with pinks, aquas, yellows and white for $7, a pair of knit pants in the same colors at the fleece jacket for $5, a aqua ruffle top for $5, grey polka dot knit pants for $5, a light pink peasant top for $5. All are interchangeable which makes for a nice morning around our house.

Then they nicely placed a Children's Place next to Carter's. Here I found a purple velour sweat out fit, a thermal long sleeved shirt, a pink hoodie with matching knit sweat pants and a long top. I think the tops were like $4 and each piece of the set was $7. HG had previously picked these outfits out.

I'll have to take pictures of the stuff already hidden in the closet. I found her the cutest little purse ever!!! She is still really into Dora, loves Olivia, the Wonder Pets, Tinkerbell and loves all her baby dolls.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Today didn't go as planned. You know when you listen to something all to time and are finally done with it? Yes, that happened. I was done. And left. It felt good. I've been done so many times but never to this extent. Sometimes it just takes years to learn but you do.

Rushing to Albertson's today provided us with the perfect meal. Thanksgiving turned out to be great. We dined on an Italian cheese pork loin, green bean casserole, broccoli and cheese casserole, mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes, corn bread dressing, rolls, carrot cake and brownies. We tried to make the best of our last Thanksgiving in Texas. Sounds strange right? We will live somewhere else next year and will be having Thanksgiving at our house. Hopefully Colorado.

Today provided us with good news, lots of hope and mucho laughter. We spoke to old friends, called the family and spent time together as a family. Chris leaves in a matter of days for a month. :(

Hope everyone had a wonderful day!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wednesday ramble

A few things for Wednesday:

  • We made our first batch of chili yesterday and then put it in the crock pot for a few hours on low. There isn't a single bite left over.
  • Poppy & Uncle Ryan flew back from LA yesterday, had dinner and then headed home. It was a great visit but we're sad Poppy didn't stay the night and shop today. :(
  • Uncle Ryan was 1 of 2 people they let into his graduate program at UCLA this Spring. Apparently it is one of the hardest schools in the Country to get into. All his hard work and dedication is paying off and we're super proud of him. HG is ready to see Uncle Ryan at the beach. I don't think she really knows how far he is going to go but knows she gets on a big plane to visit. Thank goodness for Skype. Not sure what we would do with out it.
  • Mia fell and broke her knee cap in two. She slipped in the bathroom on wet tile and will have surgery early next week. Poor Mia, we are praying for a speedy recovery. She'll be staying up at my Aunt's for a while and it just so happens that we are heading there after Christmas for a mini vacation. Chris is very excited about fishing, hunting and doing manly things.
  • C's grandmother is still in pain but recovering. If you could say a little prayer for her, it would be greatly appreciated. It is hard to be stuck in a bed and needing help doing simple things. Bless her heart!
  • Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Besides being thankful for so many things, I am beyond ready for some dressin'. Or dressing as we're supposed to say. Yum, my mouth waters just thinking about it.
  • We're marking off our list and only have a handful of people left to buy for. Our parents of course and trying to decide on that perfect gift.
  • The apartment behind us had a leak in their bath tub so they are having to refinish the entire thing. Our apartment smells of Nail Polish remover. It is terrible. Better than a meth lab like I thought. ha! Hopefully we will be able to turn our air and air vents back on tonight.
  • We got $200 back from our apartment lease, score! I used an apartment locate and we got $200 back just for using them. It took a while but couldn't come at a perfect time. I know a little red head girl that wants a doll house.
  • Lunch today was supposed to be at Aspen Creek. Not sure what happened but we had chicken salad, chicken nuggets, celery, nacho cheese dorito's, cheeto's and pretzels. Oh and Brownies for dessert. I think we are working on those Holiday pounds a little early. HG and I were both inhaling the cheetos and dorito's.
  • I am going to finish addressing our Christmas cards today while HG naps (if she naps). I will feel so good to have them finished and can mail next week while home.

Well, that is it for now. I'll post some pictures later. I have Hg showing me flash cards and I just got one wrong. Black Pentagon. She knew it. I called it a black hexagon. We're hoping for Uncle Ryan's brains and a full ride to Notre Dame!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

25 things to be grateful for

When I was young, I took some things for granted. Actually, I took most things for granted. The more I grew up, the more I began to appreciate things. I realized that everything I had been given were privileges and not rights. I just expected them.
With Thanksgiving just a couple of days away, I thought I would touch on a few things that I am thankful and grateful for.

1. To be ALIVE- I am very thankful that I am alive, well and able to experience this amazing life God has created for us. Life is a gift. Each morning I wake up and hear that precious voice (even when that little voice is quite demanding), I thank God for another day.

2. For my HUSBAND- My soul mate. The one who understands what you are going through. The one who knows your answer before you speak. He has integrity, a good soul, is loving and kind. He works hard to provide for us.

3. For my FAMILY- Imperfect as our families may be, where would be be with out our families. They are everything to me. They are everything to Hailey Grace. They are everything to Chris. We are also Blessed to have started our own branch of the two families.

4. For my FRIENDS- Rock stars. That is the words that best describes our friends. They come from many walks of life but couldn't imagine our life without each and every one of them. Many are our inspiration and want us to become better people. Many are more like family than friends to us. They have taught us and shared their knowledge. They have taught us to live life to the fullest.

5. For the roof over our head- A friend's blog really made me think about how easily you could loose everything. How easily you could be homeless without shelter. I don't think everyone plans for it to happen. I want HG to be thankful for the important things in life.

6. Being able to see- Have you ever wondered what it would be like to loose your eye sight? All the colors, faces and beautiful things gone. I am thankful every day for my eye sight and for being able to see the world.

6. To be able to pray and worship in the religion of my choice- We live in a world where we are allowed to worship where we would like. Could you imagine us all going to the same Church or Mass schedule? Being different and worshiping differently makes each and everyone one of us so special.

7. For laughter- It is cheap medicine. Always laugh when you can.

Mary Poppins said it the best.

We love to laugh

Loud and long and clear

We love to laugh

So evrybody can hearT

he more you laugh

The more you fill with glee

And the more the glee

The more we’re a merrier we!
Mary Poppins - I Love to Laugh

8. An answered prayer- God answers prayers. When he answers, it shows he listens to us. At the time, it might not be the answer we had desired but with time we will understand the full answer.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" Philippians 4:6-7

9. God's Grace- I am eternally grateful for all the wonderful things God has given me and shown me - not material things but life, friends, family, insight into my life, and the ability to love and be loved.

Grace be unto you, and peace from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ" (I Cor. 1: 3).

10. A College Degree- We are thankful that we were able to accomplish a 4 year degree. Many never have the option, many who have the option don't do it. It is very important to us, as a family, to finish your higher education if you are able. We believe that it allows the person to have more of a choice in their career path.

11. Hot baths- A hot bath can be a fix it all. It can relax the muscles, the mind and your body. (Okay, I can't leave out a nice glass of wine in the bath either!)

12. Crockpot- Easy form of dinner. Throw it in and go spend time with your children or loved ones. I love the house smelling like the wonderful food cooking.

13. For all those who have served our Country- It is an admiral and brave thing to do. Our men and women (and their families) in uniform give so much for us. When is the last time you told someone who serves or served our Country Thank you. It really does touch their heart.

14. Bonfires- There is nothing better than sitting around a bonfire with family or friends, roasting marshmallows laughing and talking. Oh I love that campfire spark and talk!

15. Sunrises and Sunsets- God's amazing ability to paint breath taking pictures for us.

16. Rainbows- Besides the pot of gold at the bottom, it is a beautiful sight to look forward after a drenching rain. The storm has passed.

17. Transportation- I am ever so thankful for a running car. The model, make and year are now no importance to me. I am thankful that it runs. It takes me from A to B. It is dependable and safe.

18. Computers/email- Even though it will never take the place of a hand written letter, this allows us to keep up with friends and family. We are able to experience their lives from many miles away through emails.

19. Your enemies- whether they are an actual person or something you fear, they help you undercover your blind spots to become a better person.

20. For LOVE- This allows us to really feel what it is to be alive.

21. Health insurance- I do not take for granted the greatness of health insurance and the fact that I can pick the doctors I want to see.

22. Running water- I can bathe and brush my pearly whites. I love having running water to my own washing machine. I enjoy a glass of ice cold water. It is not just running water but rather clean running water.

23. The spirit of Santa Claus - To believe in Santa Claus is to believe in giving, love and unselfishness. Christmas time is the one time each year where almost everyone all over the world gives to one another. It is the season of unselfishness. So the spirit of Santa Claus is the spirit of love.

24. Forgiveness- Just think of all the misery sin has caused. It is one of the greatest gifts we can receive and one that we do not deserve.

25. For my amazing daughter- She has taught us so much about life through little eyes. That we need to stop and enjoy the moment. That it matters NOW and not later. She makes us a better person. She smiles and lights up a room.

The world is a beautiful and amazing place to live. Be thankful for what you have and think of those who are in need.

The biggest heart

I met Nicolle going through RCIA in Keller. The more I get to know her, the more I know God has a major plan for her. She is simply an Angel to those around her. I think each and everyone of us need to read this.
She inspires me to be a better person.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Cute giveaway!

This maternity line is simply adorable (no, I am not expecting) and know the perfect person I would give it to if I won!! It is really expensive buying maternity clothes and I know from being pregnant with HG that a gift card would have thrilled me. So if you are expecting or know someone who is, jump on over and try to win!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Garden & Guns

We are loving this magazine.
HG finally got some relief. I was talking to her pedi and she gave me great ideas as to what will give her relief. Milk of Mag and a liquid suppository. It worked almost instantly. She cried so hard. Big fat tears. I cried along with her. Poppy was here helping us, thank goodness. He was really upset that she was hurting so bad and that is happens so often. Her face was buried in my belly with her bottom in the air but once it was out, the crying stopped and she was laughing with Poppy. Did you know that apple white grape will stop you up? Well apparently it does! She was telling Chris this morning "daddy I love my juice" and she really does. It took nearly two years for her to really enjoy a juice and we're now having to limit it. Heart breaking for a little one.
Uncle Ryan stopped by this morning on his way to the airport and HG was watching out the window for his arrival. She was thrilled when he knocked on that door. Don't you just love little squeals of excitement?? Immediately they were connected at the hip as always. Chris said yesterday they were looking at our wedding pictures and HG kept wanting to look at pictures of Uncle Ryan. He was proud and excited today about his next step in life and even sporting a UCLA sweatshirt. I'm happy with his decision on schools mainly due to the area being safer at UCLA than USC in San Diego. Not the towns as a whole, just the areas of the Universities. PLUS, USC is a private school. He told HG he was moving to the beach and she had a fit that he was leaving her behind. A fit I tell you! We're washing Uncle Ryan's laundry and will have it smelling oh so yummy for his last few weeks in Texas being a playa. :)
The Cowboys are coming on, we're making our list and checking it twice, heading out to storage later and really trying to do anything that needs to be done before Christmas. HG and I were supposed to head to Texarkana today for a baby shower and for a visit but I'm worn out. Woke with a fever blister. She was up so much last night. Chris ended up on her bed on the floor. It was rough.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Daddy is home

HG and I rushed to the airport after we received the text from daddy that said I've landed. Whoops, we were laying on the bed watching The Nate Show and considering a nap. I guess we lost track of time. So rather than parking and seeing the excitement in HG's eyes when Chris walks into the baggage claim, we were just another car picking up their passenger.
We headed home for HG to take a nap and after 2 hours of her reading, playing and talking to her babies she finally passed out. Little did we know that she had piled her bed with toys. Lots of laughs when we woke her for dinner. Laughs from us, not her. She did not want to wake up. I knew something was off when she finally strolled into the living room.
Dinner consisted of Spaghetti with homemade sauce and lots of veggies. I am trying to threw in vegetables in anything and everything I can. They were sauteed and simmered so oh so soft. There wasn't any sauce left over it was so yummy. HG, she barely ate. She chugged some orange juice though. I am trying to pull her off apple juice and she had two glasses, full glasses yesterday.
After the kitchen was clean, we piled in the bed to watch The Bucket list. I've seen it a few times but always enjoy a movie with the family all snuggled under the covers. HG decided she needed to go #2 so I grabbed the pink potty, put a towel on it (so she can recline if you were wondering) and not two minutes later it happened. She threw up her orange juice all over herself and the carpet. Chris and I bounced like magic and I luckily had a walmart plastic sack in my hand. The poor thing filled it up. Off to the tub HG went and I scrubbed everything in site. 15 minutes later, she was sick again. Thank goodness it was in the bathroom and not more on the carpet. I gave her some anti nausea medicine and motrin for her 100.4 fever and she seemed to feel better in a couple of hours. Well enough for chocolate chip cookies.
Today is a different story. She hasn't walked. She hasn't laughed. She hasn't' eaten anything. I managed a little apple white grape juice and milk down her. She has been laying down since waking up this morning. I tried to put her in the tub and she refuses to sit due to it hurting. The poor thing has finally fallen asleep after laying on the floor or our bed for 7 hours. I can't imagine the pain she is going through. If you have any ideas as to what might help, please email me. This usually does the trick when needed but today it hasn't. These however work in minutes. And her Pedi recommends these. I don't think we can go over night without her going. I'm starting to think that her belly issues are because she is stopped up. However, I can't get to the store right now because she won't sit down.
If and when we get the belly issues worked out, we're going to dinner with Poppy and possibly Uncle Ryan tonight. They are flying out to LA tomorrow to meet with Ryan's new grad school. I can't believe my baby brother is moving all the way to California. We will miss him terribly but hope to visit once we figure things out with AC.
Speaking of AC, I am sorry that we don't have an answer for all of you. I would like one as well, I promise. We do know that they aren't signing on anything until the next one opens in Fayetteville, NC on December 13. I'm guessing it will be after the New Year before we know much. They will be extremely busy from the opening until Christmas, we'll be gone the week after Christmas and I'm sure most people will take off. SO...maybe once everyone is back at work in the New Year, the decision will be made. :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Our house is a diaster. Why must I buy stuff with glitter? It is everywhere. But HG is having a blast. She loves it. My heart is happy. I even gave in on some Dora Christmas wrapping. Man, I am seriously becoming a softy. A wuss. :)HG's school is rather small since it only goes up to 4 year old and the classes are very limited. Together they organized the food drive, the kids got to take the items to the truck to be loaded and then took a class picture. • 13 Turkeys
• l8 Packages/Cans of Gravy
• 5l Cans of Soup and Broth
• 6, Boxes of Stuffing, Potatoes, and Rice
• 107 Cans, of Vegetables
• 18 Cans of Fruit !x Cranberry Sauce
• l7 Cans of Pie Filling !x Pie Crusts
• 8 Misc. Baking Items
• l Misc. Condiments
• 7 Cans/Bags of Pasta
• 16 Jars of Baby Food/Formula
• 6 Misc. Beverages
• 9 Misc. Bread/Corn Bread
• 1 Gift Card
Grand Total - 357 Items
Way to go CDC and the families!!
Lyndsey's Ornaments
If you can't decide on that perfect gift for that hard to buy person, think about an ornament. A super sweet friend that I have known forever has started making these. They are really good and priced really well. Typically, a hand painted one at a Christmas Market runs around $60. She charges $20-$25 and if lots of detail, $30. It does take time and patience but she can work with you as to when you need the gift. Send me an email if interested and I will pass along her number.
Chris is still in North Carolina and I have been sitting on the phone all day today. Each time that it rings, I jump with excitement. I was hoping for more information as to where we are heading. There is a BIG meeting today as to where we are heading. They might not get anything resolved or by day light we might know our future. We've decided that we are good with anywhere, we have our little precious family, our health, working on a great team and can make the best of any town. While we would love to wake to the mountains each morning and miss our friends there terribly, Tulsa is close to hunting in Arkansas for Chris and our families. We are very Blessed to be part of this exciting future and have decided we are just going to go with the flow.
I felt like Santa's elf today rushing around trying to finish the Holiday shopping while HG was at MDO. With Chris leaving in 12 days and us in like 22/23 days, we are coming up on the end of shopping days. Katherine and I were talking today while the kids were playing about how we are both typically finished by now. I'm stressing a little but know it will work out. Plus, the ones we have left to buy for would probably rather gift cards anyway.
Well, that is all for now. HG has been asleep for 2 1/2 hours after no nap at MDO and our lovely neighbors waking us up at 5:10am. I'm beat. Can't wait for my shows and bed.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Purple Trees

Have you all seen Sarah Palin and her Alaskan show? We or I should say I am watching it and so far so good. They are climbing a glacier today.
Chris left for North Carolina today and we already miss him terribly. HG is currently down for the night, asleep in daddy's bed. I kept her busy all afternoon. He is there for NC's 25 day meeting before their opening. Maybe we'll know where we are going soon... That is just a rumor we recently heard. :)
For dinner, we made this soup that I picked up from Chi Omega. I added diced ham and put it over sweet cornbread. Two bowls later and hopefully a lot of good luck, I decided it was really yummy. We went to Walmart today for a few items and a tree. We left with a purple one (ours is too large for our tiny apt) and started to decorate it. HG is SO proud and is very eager to wrap her cousins gifts tomorrow.

My sister's dear sweet friend Becca is having a shower on Sunday. She is also my cousin's babysitter and HG always squeals when she sees Becca. There is something special about that girl! She is having a little boy due December 15 so I am working on a wreath for her hospital door, shower door and bedroom door. She is naming her soon to be sweet and precious little one Jon Tyler, after her nephew who passed away so sadly.
HG and I have also been working on her food drive stuff for school tomorrow. We have so much and are picking up even more from Grandmommy in the morning. She is donating a turkey!! Thank you so much!!! We have all the vegetables, broths, soups, rices, beans/peas, ramen noodles you could ever want!! Hopefully it will go to a few families in need and they will have a nice Holiday dinner.

Well, I just ordered Grown Ups so hopefully I'll laugh the next 90 minutes. Have a good Wednesday night!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Wednesday already?

Okay so I am posting this 2 hours before Wednesday actually arrives.
We finally got answers to my eye issues. Apparently Carenow dr's are idiots when it comes to eye issues. I saw 3 different doctors with 3 different diagnoses in 5 days. New prescriptions each time equals money laying in my trash can now. Monday brought my 1st trip to an eye doctor and a better understanding of the eyes in general. I don't have shingles of the eye. One antibiotic I was given served as a breeding ground for more infection to grow. The reason my eye swelled so large and gradually grew worse. I have an infection in both eyes, which was news to me. In my left, I only have a few follicles of the infection but in my right there was far too many to count. I also scored much lower in my right eye on a vision test (like almost failed!) but hopefully it is due to the infection. BUT...being on the two new eye drops, spending $65 more dollars, I can tell a huge difference!!! I think I'm at $300 so far between the visits and antibiotics. Carenow can kiss my behind for sure. I might be able to wear makeup by the weekend. HG hasn't called me scary today either. We found cute yard art for Poppy's yard at Garden Ridge.
HG is totally in love with her millions of baby dolls.
She sported hair clips at Grand mommy's.
While I spent 2+ hours at the eye dr on Monday, this is what Daddy and HG did. I think it was the first time he took her all alone. They had a blast until the two of them ended up at Target and she wanted everything in site.
Daddy needed a new pair of work shoes. Boy was that an adventure!!

Mia came over yesterday to visit and see HG's school this morning. We really enjoyed her visit. HG was wanting to know where her Mia was after school. She was not happy about her not being there.
Daddy leaves in the morning for North Carolina and we're thinking about buying a Christmas tree. Ours is in storage and it is massive, I don't think it could fit through the apartment door. We looked at pink and purple ones today. Yes. For real, pink and purple. HG was begging for the pink one for her room.
Grandma Christine fell and broke her pelvis so we are planning a trip out there this weekend and then onto Texarkana for a quick visit since we won't make Thanksgiving there. Becca's babyshower is on Sunday as well....Stay tuned for the diaper cake and wreath!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Smooth move.

Last night while giving my eye drops, I managed to scratch my eye. F O U R times. Yes, for real. 3 were under my eye lid and one large one was under my bottom eye lid. It was bleeding. I panicked. We were dropping HG off at Grand mommy's house and heading to Jason's birthday dinner. How in the world did I manage to do that? Well my eye itches. It itches pretty bad at times and is really painful. A wet wash cloth is a great cure. I apparently went to town with that wash cloth and ruined my eyes. I couldn't even cry because it was hurting. We were late for dinner already. :(

So off to Care Now we go. I debated Baylor because I was seriously in that amount of pain. I have fractured my wrist, had a C Section and can barley go a year without breaking a toe. They were no comparison to the level of pain I was feeling. The Dr pulled out the numbing drops and I felt like a new person. I still couldn't see but couldn't feel the pain. After some eye test, dye and an exam, she said it was viral pink eye, shingles of the eye and a stuffy head. Wonderful....just tell me how me how to cure it. I had been on antibiotics for 6 days with no improvement. I was ready not to be scary eye at HG was calling me. DFW being DFW, you would think there is a 24 hour pharmacy on ever corner. Wrong. None in Grapevine. By this time, we were 2 hours late to dinner and I was starving. So off to dinner we went. :) Eye was still numb.

Not only were we late and they nicely waited on us (too sweet seriously), I forgot Jason's birthday gift. His card, gift card and beer sat on my counter at home. He laughed and told me not to worry about it. Of course I did. All night. He chose a place called Love and War in Texas over by Grapevine Mills. The building used to house the old Trail Dust so it was rather large and open but decorated in really cool rustic Texas gear. Chris had a mouth watering prime rib and I dined on Wild Boar. Yep, my East Texas soul was shining through. It was really good, a little spicy but good. Once dinner was over, Erica and Tiny joined us for a bit before I ran to find a pharmacy open. HG was sound asleep in the bed so we climbed in around her and tried to sleep. I gave in and took 1/2 of a tylenol with codiene. Didn't help. 3 hours later, I was still tossing and turning and hurting so I took Zytrec D and the other 1/2...lights out!

We woke Grand mommmy up early, sorry about that and had a great breakfast. DAddy headed to work, I back to the dr and HG played with Grand mommy. The visit today was with a total quack and I am looking forward to my eye appointment tomorrow. I have never been to an eye doctor, actually an terrified of them. I'm starting to hurt again pretty bad, my head and eye so we are going to have dinner at AC with Grand mommy and daddy and then turn in early.

Pictures tomorrow, I promise!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

I think it is time for new sunglasses.
Almost figured the neti pot out!

My fever is down to 99.16.

Yesterday it hoovered around 100.22.

I am starting to hear normal again.

My pink eye is now red.

I got in bed at 8pm last night.

It has been 3 years to the month (11/2007) since I have had a cold like this.

I had Charlie horses all night.

Haven't had them since I was in my 3rd trimester with HG.

No, I'm not pregnant. I ate 3 bananas and haven't had once since.

I had a big Xray done yesterday.

I almost freaked myself out by googling Google can be evil..

Turned out that it wasn't very painful but very neat.

Thank you so much to those that called and sent texts, it means a lot to me (us).

Everything looked pretty good but will get results hopefully Monday.

HG played with Jenna and Jax while at the radiologist.

Now she wants a BIG tv. Thanks Justin, you just had to get a fancy tv with 3D.

HG got VERY car sick and threw up all over myself and the entry at daddy's work this morning.

It was bright orange and smelled liked candy corn.

We were covered head to toe.

Thank goodness for chef shirts and facuet baths.

We had lunch with daddy. She put Splenda in his queso.

On the way home from Walmart, I smelled something sweet.

Want to take a guess?

BUBBLE BATH. Yes, poured out all over my back seat. lovely.

Yesterday, she peed on the bed and bathroom floor "because her panties wouldn't come off".

I threw those bad luck pink ones away. It was our first major accident.

HG also drew us a green head board since ours is in storage.

Yes, it WAS one of those days.

And I was sick.

She did come in and cover me with a kitchen towel and kiss me on the forehead.

Then she said I love you Mommy, sorry you so sick. Can I have a pickle?

She is the sweetest thing ever.

We have a birthday party tonight. I have no idea what to buy as a gift.

Gift Card and a beer? Guys seem to be happy with that.

Mia is coming on Monday.

We can't wait. HG will go wild when she sees her.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

School Days

Eating everything in site after school

HG's School Schedule T/TH

8:50 arrival

9:00 Free Play

9:20 Circle Time- Consists of ABC's, numbers, calendar, shapes, colors, Spanish, singing and books.

9:35 T- movement TH- Music

10:00 bathroom break and snack time

10:20 outside play

10:50 Chapel time

11:10 Craft time- A daily craft where they color, paint, glue, etc.

11:30- lunch time

12:00 Bathroom break, clean up time

12:30 Nap time- If they choose not to nap, they are required to remain on their mat quietly.

1:50 Prepare for Dismissal

2:00 Time to go home!!

HG's Thanksgiving place mat she made at MDO

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tonight sweet Jax came to play for a bit. They were too cute together. HG has been dead set on a "baby seester" until tonight when she asked for a baby "brauder". After a while, she was asking if he could go home and go to bed. She didn't like sharing her toys. They both a ton, I think it was mainly because HG wanted everything in sight. Spaghetti, mac n cheese with chicken and veggies, ice cream (frozen Dora yogurt), chips, salsa, etc. Jax has pink eye 3 weeks ago and my hands are peeling form washing them so much so hopefully he is okay.
Monday playdate at a park in Southlake
For HG's Poppy who she calls out for when I am telling her to do something she doesn't want to do.


aka pink eye has invaded our house. Not HG like you would expect. Not C from touching everyone and everything at work. It invaded ME! I've had it before, this is my 3rd time to be exact, just never this bad. Never where I am having to warm a wet wash cloth through out the night because it is so bad. Never to where my eye socket swelled. Never to where I can't open my eye.
I started drops last night before bed. I figured it couldn't do any more damage if it was just something stuck in there. The doctor looked all over for an object and then gave me the news. It was 100% conjunctivitis. Lovely. On the bright side, I don't have to use our super expensive eye drops from Spring when HG so lovingly passed it around. Target has a special on a antibiotic eye drop for $4. I can hand $4.
To make me feel better about my very ugly eye, C treated me to lunch at Freebirds. They open to the public tomorrow but had a mock open today. The team up with a local charity place and had you donate at least $5 and you got a free meal. The works, anything you wanted. I am sure many donated $5, we felt the ned to donate $10 each. It is amazing to have the opportunity to help charities in need during such a wonderful time of the year.

Now off to get HG, pick up a script and get ready for sweet JAx to come play. He luckily had pink eye 3 weeks ago and still has the drops so won't be catching it again!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Lots of Birthdays coming up. The most amazing man I have ever known.

We get to celebrate JD's birthday and have an early Thanksgiving the weekend before Thanksgiving. We.Can.not.wait.

We are having a 90th birthday celebration for C's grandfather after Thanksgiving. I think everyone else is more excited than the birthday boy himself. The invitations were printed on Monday and in the mail today. They are very nice and he is/was such a handsome man.

Weekend Round up

A few of the Chi Omega goodies.

Worn out and starving at Sam Moon.

After golfing on Saturday, we made a quick trip to Sam Moon to look for something. Dinner at Fuzzy's and then home for a movie. It was a much needed lazy day!

This afternoon we strolled Sam's and then made a family Walmart grocery trip. Not sure why I thought that would be a good idea but we definitely won't be doing that again. I needed a glass of wine and a lounge chair by the time we were leaving. :)

Mass tonight, football, chicken casserole and resting up for our play date in the morning. We might even start addressing our Christmas Cards!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Chi Omega Christmas Market 2010

Yesterday was a day that I personally look forward to each year. I think it marks the start of the Holiday Season for us and it is a very nice day with tons of women. This year, I canceled the babysitter and took HG. Now why on earth would I do that? I knew that it would be rough for her. Being a baby, she was so super easy. Lesson learned, she will be much older if she goes back. Thank you Grand mommy for treating us to the event and for lunch at the Zodiac Room. Oh how I love the strawberry butter and the little tea cup of broth. HG even slept for 2 hours which allowed for a quiet stroll of Neimans and lunch at the Zodiac room.

I will post more pictures once I can get to Irving and see them.

Last night, HG stayed and played at the Bells while I met Chris and good friends at Aspen Creek for a late dinner. Kelly and Megan were trying new drinks to add to the menu and we were great testers. :) I took a sip of a cucumber martini, a beertini and a margarita with a coors light in it. All had good flavor but I have to say that the beertini was the best. Not sure what they call it but we named it. It was like a Chuy's or Trudy's Mexican martini with a little splash of beer. Really strange but light and good. Even if you aren't a beer fan, the beer just gives it the fizz. The cucumber martini was really refreshing. Not something you would find at AC and definitely something I would never pick from a drink menu to order. I am glad I tried it though, it tasted totally different that I guessed it would. It would be a great drink at the spas in Las Vegas. The margarita with the coors light, is good but a little much. They have to find the correct amount of each. Uncle Julio's has a special from time to time that is pretty good but they use a Corona. The Corona and the lime from the margarita makes you think about digging your feet deep into the hot sand.

Chris is golfing with Jason this morning. I think he left in shorts. It was dark but I'm pretty sure I saw really white legs. It was really cold this morning, I hope he didn't wear shorts. HG and I have been playing. sipping hot green tea and working on our grocery list for the next couple of weeks. Oh and let's not forget the mess we are making. I've said it a million times and I'll say it again, OH THE MESSES TODDLERS WILL MAKE!! But life is short, we don't know if there is a tomorrow so I am going to live with the mess and enjoy my toddler. The past year has really brought us to realize that things don't happen the way we want or how we think they should. God has a plan and we are along for the ride, even in the messes. :)
Enjoy your weekend and be thankful for all the Blessings in your life.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Oh the things we do

For our children that is. Chuck E Cheese in Irving. YUK. TERRIBLE. HORRIBLE. We won't venture back. It was tons of kids, no parents, the kids can barely speak English and stealing from you and your kids the entire time. Oh, let's not forget hitting or pushing them down. I even had one kid ask for something to drink. I mean seriously, I don't understand it. If you are Blessed with being able to get pregnant, have a successful pregnancy then please take care your children. The other adults are not your baby sitter.

The one in Grapevine is much more pleasant so if you ever need a place to visit, it is a good one. I am going to be in shock for a few days getting over our experience. It was a week day. I couldn't imagine the weekends.

Oh the dots

HG LOVES this jacket. It's cute. We've had it for a few months and it is already so worn. She likes to wear "her life jacket" even in the heat. It is always covered in ranch or ketchup because she refuses to take it off. She found the matching pants at Target this week. On the floor screaming, crying, mean mommy-ing because I didn't want to buy her polka dot bottoms. Did I mention they are tight pants, like leggings? Yeah, don't you want a pair? Then I saw they were $2.80. I gave in. She helped wash them and demanded to wear them to school. Such a happy little girl to show off her adorable pants.

her uggs were by the door. I asked that she put her shoes on while I grab her lunch box out of the fridge. She does it often and I really don't have to worry. I finally looked down out at the car. Ducks? Where on earth did she pull these out of? I thought they were in her closet!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Wonder what you eat?

I think you all need to watch this video. I fall victim to Mc Donald's fries a lot. They are addicting. We are currently changing our eating habits and trying to eat more stuff that was alive. Lean meats and fish, leafy greens, fresh vegetables...we're also going to try switching back to whole milk (rather than the FF or low fat products) for the time being. I must admitt, that Stouffer's Lasanga was rather tasty last night so it will be a little hard but we can do it!!

October Round Up

A few things:
Fall is finally here and we are enjoying it.
Chi Omega Christmas is just days away.
Lunch at Zodiac Room & strawberry butter.
HG is realy enjoying school.
November WILL be a great month, I can feel it.
Patrick starts next week.

North Carolina.
Corn Bread Dressing.
Sweet Potato Casserole.
Love some Babe's fried chicken.

World Series 2010

Great time at the 2010 World Series. The Rangers didn't win like we had hoped. We ate tons of nasty ball park and loved every minute of it. It was really neat to be able to be part of the play off games and the World Series!!
More pictures to come......