aka pink eye has invaded our house. Not HG like you would expect. Not C from touching everyone and everything at work. It invaded ME! I've had it before, this is my 3rd time to be exact, just never this bad. Never where I am having to warm a wet wash cloth through out the night because it is so bad. Never to where my eye socket swelled. Never to where I can't open my eye.
I started drops last night before bed. I figured it couldn't do any more damage if it was just something stuck in there. The doctor looked all over for an object and then gave me the news. It was 100% conjunctivitis. Lovely. On the bright side, I don't have to use our super expensive eye drops from Spring when HG so lovingly passed it around. Target has a special on a antibiotic eye drop for $4. I can hand $4.
To make me feel better about my very ugly eye, C treated me to lunch at Freebirds. They open to the public tomorrow but had a mock open today. The team up with a local charity place and had you donate at least $5 and you got a free meal. The works, anything you wanted. I am sure many donated $5, we felt the ned to donate $10 each. It is amazing to have the opportunity to help charities in need during such a wonderful time of the year.
Now off to get HG, pick up a script and get ready for sweet JAx to come play. He luckily had pink eye 3 weeks ago and still has the drops so won't be catching it again!
Girl, I hope your eye is better. It looks awful and I can only imagine how painful it is! Sorry!
ReplyDeleteI love Freebirds. Haven't been in a while. I love the one by us because it has a large poster on the wall for the Tarrant Area Food Bank. :)