Yesterday was a day that I personally look forward to each year. I think it marks the start of the Holiday Season for us and it is a very nice day with tons of women. This year, I canceled the babysitter and took HG. Now why on earth would I do that? I knew that it would be rough for her. Being a baby, she was so super easy. Lesson learned, she will be much older if she goes back. Thank you Grand mommy for treating us to the event and for lunch at the Zodiac Room. Oh how I love the strawberry butter and the little tea cup of broth. HG even slept for 2 hours which allowed for a quiet stroll of Neimans and lunch at the Zodiac room.
I will post more pictures once I can get to Irving and see them.
Last night, HG stayed and played at the Bells while I met Chris and good friends at Aspen Creek for a late dinner. Kelly and Megan were trying new drinks to add to the menu and we were great testers. :) I took a sip of a cucumber martini, a beertini and a margarita with a coors light in it. All had good flavor but I have to say that the beertini was the best. Not sure what they call it but we named it. It was like a Chuy's or Trudy's Mexican martini with a little splash of beer. Really strange but light and good. Even if you aren't a beer fan, the beer just gives it the fizz. The cucumber martini was really refreshing. Not something you would find at AC and definitely something I would never pick from a drink menu to order. I am glad I tried it though, it tasted totally different that I guessed it would. It would be a great drink at the spas in Las Vegas. The margarita with the coors light, is good but a little much. They have to find the correct amount of each. Uncle Julio's has a special from time to time that is pretty good but they use a Corona. The Corona and the lime from the margarita makes you think about digging your feet deep into the hot sand.
Chris is golfing with Jason this morning. I think he left in shorts. It was dark but I'm pretty sure I saw really white legs. It was really cold this morning, I hope he didn't wear shorts. HG and I have been playing. sipping hot green tea and working on our grocery list for the next couple of weeks. Oh and let's not forget the mess we are making. I've said it a million times and I'll say it again, OH THE MESSES TODDLERS WILL MAKE!! But life is short, we don't know if there is a tomorrow so I am going to live with the mess and enjoy my toddler. The past year has really brought us to realize that things don't happen the way we want or how we think they should. God has a plan and we are along for the ride, even in the messes. :)
Enjoy your weekend and be thankful for all the Blessings in your life.
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