Well the run to the book store was a joke.
A complete waste of time.
Book stores and small towns just don't work.
They said I could order whatever I wanted. It would arrive in 2 weeks.
TWO WEEKS? I'd be done reading the books by then.
Not to bash them totally, they did have books and plenty of them. HG scored a few books. Momma didn't get any books.
But the books I had hoped to find weren't there.
Then I remembered I have Ibooks or whatever it is called. Silly Momma!
Most of you know that I love Organic products. The hubby not so much. He pretty much says it is all a crock. One of our differences. My brothers are a freak about health stuff. A freak in a good way. I call John Davis with random questions. Even the TMI ones. I grew up with a cousin owning an all natural store. I rarely use medicine unless there are no other options. HG hasn't had medicine since placing tubes in her ears in May. Well besides Pedilax. My sister in law has some good information on Organic and all natural products on her blog.
Glad you were able to figure out the book situation on ibooks lady! 2 weeks would be an insane time to wait for a book!