Our Michael's finds today.
A coupon holder and grocery list.
Note cards.
The perfect little recipe holder for Brooke's birthday and a get a grip can opener.
Kendall's pamper gift I am gathering.
HG's crafts.
Recipe cards for $1.

Best sticker gift ever. Ever! There is room to stick the stickers in the book. We have one in the car and one in her room. My MIL buys these and they rock. Seriously, hours of fun!
Dance Party Monday!

I love this perfume from Anthropologie. Actually, I love most of their perfumes. And they are decent priced. I snuck out at 8:30 on the day of my birthday and purchased this. The bottles alone are worth the purchase.
Our nightmare of a storage unit. You don't want to know how long we have been living out of it. 20 months. 20 months for real.

She loves that little jeep!

See how sleepy she was?

HG slept until 1045 and I touched her twice to make sure she was alive. Poor thing was worn out.
She refused to eat breakfast. Refused lunch. Ate popcorn, had a snack and pigged out on dinner.
Off to Target we went to get out of the house.
Target was giving away this. Pretty good except it wasn't skinny so I had a belly ache all afternoon. HG got whipped cream. Not so good in the car.
Next up was Michael's where are deals are above. I love Michael's but their bead selection was terrible today and their iron on's. Yep, I'm a total dork.
Dance party, movie, chicken and dumplings, a wild bath and bed at 7:30.
I have been catching up with my super sweet friend, Denise, working on Brooke's gift, researching for Chris and stuffing my face.
Why must medicine make you starve? Why must it make you gain 10 pounds in one single month?
I ran 2 miles today. I can't handle it, I HAD to do something. I'd gain 50 if I had to because the end result is no comparison to what I weigh. It is still hard though. What do you wear in the "in between stage"? tears.
And I enter another cookie in my mouth. Female hormones suck. If you haven't taken them, consider yourself lucky. I am not talking about birth control. Hopefully sooner than later I can stop. Praying for a miracle. I has been a long, heart breaking year. I'm knocking their socks of this year though!
Still wondering about school tomorrow. I have Eat Love Pray to watch and we are tackling HG's toys.
Stay warm!
You know I'm praying for a miracle for you too! You've been through way too much!