So nice of HG.

We've been staying off the computer lately.
HG is OBSESSED with my IPad.
At 2 1/2 year old, we need an intervention.
drawing pictures of daddy.

Monday was spent playing catchup.
Big travel for a week.
And everyone being on allergy medicine.
Laundry was falling from the sky.
There was so much.
So dang much.
Chris treated me to wings on Monday night.
I hadn't eaten much all day.
And was beyond starving.
So we ran across the street to BW3. 

HG wasn't in the mood to be there.
We did learn that on Wednesday, the kid meals are 99cents and there is a face painter.
I know what night I plan on using my free 6 wings now.

Tuesday HG went back to school.
Oh how she missed it.
Emma is gone.
She asked about her a few times.
The family moved to Texarkana for work.
I felt pretty bad still but broke down and took something stronger.
Made a world of a difference.
Chris went for a late lunch with Justin.
Then for a beer with Jason.
The girls went to Vito's for pizza and pasta.
Then the the Wallis' to play with Beaux.
HG woke on Wednesday asking to go play with Miss Kristen and Beaux.
She loved it.
HG was up quite a bit for some reason.
Wednesday I HAD to go grocery shopping.
Like it wasn't an option.
We were in need of everything.

I drove through McDonalds for milk on Tuesday night.
Pathetic I know but I wasn't taking HG into the store at bed time.
We braved Walmart.
I hate Walmart.
Why did we brave it?
Happy meals!
HG got her burger, apples, water and a snack size mcflurry, We were in business.
I was not impressed with Walmart.
Not one bit.
Their prices were actually high on a few items.
Then HG poked her fingers in the ground beef.
I might have said a dirty word.
Not only did she have raw meat on her hand.....
She was saying 'I'm so sorry mommy, I'll fix it'.
So everyone was looking and wondering what on earth someone so sweet with a big Hello Kitty clip in her hair could possibly do.
I had two older men tell me that there was no way she could do anything wrong.
Apparently they don't remember what toddlers were like.
I nodded, laughed and said 'now don't give her any ideas'.
We managed to clean the bath tubs and bath rooms.
I had been neglecting them for far too long.
I never go more than 7 days with out scrubbing my tub and potty.
I was going on 3 weeks.
Gross huh?
Once again HG did not sleep.
She crashed early but when daddy moved her, she got back up.
And was up until 12:30 in her bed.
Up again at 2:35.
At 4:40, I was yelling at Chris for some help.
Our apt is like 1000 feet or smaller.
How on earth could you not hear her for 2 1/2 hours.
I was getting to the angry stage.
She wouldn't take motrin or Tylenol.
She wouldn't let me give her ear drops.
After she said her ears hurt a million times.
I have no idea if she still has tubes.
So we will use those ear drops just to be safe.
I emailed her Pedi.
Hopefully we can kick this in the butt.
She finally settled around 5:30, up at 7 tossing and turning.
Back down from 7:30-10.
At least she got a little rest.
And she was thrilled to skip school.
One day she is so excited to go.
The next, she doesn't want to leave mommy's side.
I had a million things to accomplish Thursday.
How many do you think I will actually accomplish?
I mean with the little one AND the hubby home, it wasn't a lot.
Grand mommy (the hubby's mom) came over to play this afternoon.
We've been here 8 months and it was her first visit.
HG couldn't wait to show her all her toys.
HG was very excited! She loves playing in her room.
Or riding her bikes and cars outside with grandparents.
Hopefully she will top by more.
HG was waiting outside on her Dora bike for her.
After playing, we were treated to dinner at Abuelo's.
2 bowls of chips, 2 deals of salsa and 3 pork carnitas.
I seriously rolled out of there.
I got this picture last night of my brother.
It said pregnant at 19 weeks.
Don't you all wish we looked like this normally?
They are expecting their first little girl in about 5 months.

So far today as been a great day.
Except that I woke up with an ear ache.
And HG is still complaining about hers.
The hubby when Estate shopping.
HG and I have had lots of fun.
Jax came and played around noon.
Had a picnic lunch.
Lots of toys, bubbles, juice and milk
We picked up Derc at 2:30.
Frosty's from Wendy's.
Grilled cheese and soup for another snack.
More bubbles.
More toys.
Lots of noises.
Derc's ball game at 6.