Knock on wood.
While we arrived home on Sunday, it seems like we just got here yesterday.
The last weekend in the hospital was a great one.
Harper and I ended up staying an extra night.
It worked out wonderful as Saturday brought lots of visitors.
Mike and Amber.
Mark and Amanda.
Debbie and Kristen.
They all arrived with goodies for Miss Harper and Miss HG.
Mike and Amber arrived with cheese burgers and french fries.
Yes, keep smiling 'cause you know I was on cloud 9.
A real burger.
It was a great visit with everyone and Miss Harper enjoyed all the rockin'.
Shortly after arriving home on Sunday, Miss HG showed up.
Oh goodness, my heart melted.
My baby girl was home.
Home for good.
I wanted to jump up and down and cry.
Goodness, I love her to pieces.
Along with HG came Auntie Collins, Mia, Aunt Tonia, Cousin Carly and Carly's friend.
We had a fun little time.
They were all shocked as to how petite Harper really is.
We loved all the visiting.
The rest of the week so far has been adjusting back to life outside of the hospital.
HG has been back in school and goes to a sitter the other days with her friend Austin.
This allows me time to rest and let my incision heal.
I am getting stronger each day.
Right now, I can spend an average of 2 hours a day on my feet.
No cooking, laundry, cleaning, etc.
It is hard.
I want to scrub a few things and finish the laundry.
Call me crazy but I can't stand it not shiny.
I had the girls alone the last two nights and we survived.
Chris had a dinner meeting and then went out to watch the Ranger game.
He must have a really nice wife.
My friends tell me they couldn't imagine being left at home alone with 2 kids after a C Section.
We survived.
HG is so ready for me to be able to do simple things.
Carry her, snuggle with her in my bed, bend down to pick things up.....
The list goes on.
So tears were shed.
It hurts my incision so bad to cry and get upset.
OUCH, so bad.
But we wake up to a new day and new smiles.
We can get through it with God's help.
Harper is adjusting just perfectly in our little family.
I seriously can't imagine life with out that tiny precious little thing.
She is the perfect addition for us.
I will never understand the losses we went through.
I will never understand the procedures we went through last year.
(taught me so much about my body though)
I will never understand why it is so easy for some people to get pregnant and for others it is a struggle.
I will never understand why some people don't ovulate.
I will never understand why a mom on food stamps can have 6 kids but many good people can't have 1.
The list can go on and on.
But I do know that God knew Harper was joining our family before we were even pregnant with her.
He knew during all those heart broken moments that our amazing gift from him was coming.
I am thankful I never lost faith in him and he never lost faith in us.
I'm so glad you are home and getting settled. There is nothing like being at home! :) The pictures are all so cute, and I can tell that HG is LOVING being a big sister.