I feel like a horrible mom with our house not being decorated this year.
We always decorate for Holidays.
All Holidays, even if just a few things.
I think it is important to the children.
My house has no reflection of fall or Halloween.
Hoping we can change that really soon.

Poppy came to see us on Thursday and Friday evening.
We just love it when Poppy comes.
Chili night on Thursday.
Friday, they went to Southlake town square for gelato and chips.
Grandmommy picked HG from school on Thursday.
They played outside in the beautiful weather.
Along with bringing HG home, she brought a cheesy casserole, cookies and goodies.
It doesn't even look like a diaper bag which is nice.
I had this brand with HG and it held up while many of the other ones were flimsy.
To say I was surprised doesn't even start to show how excited I was.
The bag is awesome and looks just like another one I had been watching to go on sale.
Thanks Brooke, you haveno idea how much I LOVE this bag.
I made matching ones for Miss HG as well.
One alread bit the dust.
HG enjoys seeing how far they will stretch.
Thank goodness her head bands come from the dollar store.
She called the husband and left him a message about needing a ride to the dollar store for more.
Too funny!
HG wasn't into eating from the gelato and chips.
And is was so close to bedtime.
She just rolled on the floor.
Harper slept in her little chair on the floor next HG.
Never budged once.
The husband and I had a ceasar salad (thanks to my neighbors!) and the cheesy spaghetti casserole the MIL brought over.
It is so nice actually sitting at a table and having a meal.
I couldn't stand eating meals in my bed in the hospital.
It was on our list of things we needed to buy for Harper.
I was super excited when HG opened the package.
Unfortunately, I had to wait until the husband got home to get it out for me.
She seems to really like it.
Many naps have been taken in there since Thursday.
Girl wants to sleep with the lights on.
Silly thing.
As soon as it is dark, she fusses and wants you to hold or snuggle with her.
Thanks Lynn, we know we all will love this.
Another bonus is that it travels well.
MUCH easier than those pack n plays.
Miss HG was out.
Poor girl turns into a pumpkin around 8 pm now days.
She didn't even get dressed, just snuggled between the husband and I on the couch.
I think they are perfect size for her size.

Really, she has a lot of sleep in one of her eyes so she can't always open it.
I have to clean it often with a warm wash cloth.
Pretty common in newborns.
If not better on Monday, we will get eye ointment.

We're looking forward to a low key weekend.
The husband switched shifts and works tomorrow rather than Monday.
Probably works out better for him since HG will be at Mrs. Carol's Monday.
He can get some stuff accomplished.
Mia is also coming on Monday.
We're super excited.
HG wants her to come today and not willing to wait until Monday.
Next week is full of doctor appointments, Halloween parties and parades, making crafts and hopefully a trip to Target.
Can you believe there are only 9 days until November?
This year has seriously flown by.
The diaper bag is really, really cute! I love it. Don't even think twice about the fact that you haven't decorated for the holidays. You've had a lot more important things going on. Your hands are full! :) Love the photos. I can't wait to meet Miss Harper!