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11 weeks
How far along? 11 weeks
How I'm feeling? I am feeling good, a little tired but luckily not sick if I eat around the clock. Hang over food works wonders.
Total weight gain? None yet but soon my friends.
How big is baby? The size of a fig. Always makes me laugh referring babies to fruit.
Maternity Clothes? Not yet but a couple shorts are snug.
Stretch Marks: I have enough from my other pregnancies that I hope they stay clear.
Sleep: Up usually once or twice to pee on a normal sleep night.
Best Moment This Week: It hasn't happened yet so you will have to wait.....
Movement: Not yet, baby is itty bitty tiny.
Food Cravings: French Fries, thin crust pizza, sweets, you know all the bad things.
Food Aversions: Nothing so far.
Labor Signs: No, no and no
Belly Button In or Out?? It still looks like crater.
What I Miss: A glass of wine after the girls go to bed.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Blood work that includes gender test and an ultrasound at the Specialist that also will show if girl or boy.
Milestone: 2 trimester almost!

So happy for you!