Thursday, June 4, 2015

Things lately

Hudson started to climb out of his crib and took a pretty good fall last week. That stopped him for a week. He's back at it. Six times in one nap. He even climbed under with the mattress on the floor, opened his door, opened the gate on the top of the stairs (not an easy task), came downstairs and walked into the garage. I guess he really didn't want to nap. 😁
Spending lots of times at various parks

Daddy got to have lunch with us one day.

Happy 16 months Hudson!
Ice cream for the girls and of course an egg free treat for Huddy.

The husband and I had our 9 year anniversary dinner.

We braved the pool. Those of you who have floated the cold rivers in Texas, this pool made the Guadalupe river feel warm. Seriously, it was so cold I would only allow for short periods of time in the water. 

Hudson is turning into a little boy. We are working on pushing back his bedtime still and it is backfiring. He loves 7-7ish and perfect for school, even more perfect for HG's new school. But it is summer and no matter how bright it is at 6 in the morning, I would love him to sleep until 8.  So we've been putting him down at 8:30 and he has been up by 6 daily all week, today was 5:30. I give it to him that it is SO bright even with blinds and curtains but come on dude. He's always been this way, later to bed the earlier he gets up. He's a work in progress on late sleeping.  
We picked up water guns because they just go along with summer and the pool.

We've lost his teething necklace again and we all have bite marks. Drool marks are nuts too, little broke out face. 

Daddy showed off a little.

Chris has been very busy with his opening, the kids haven't seen him. I catch him at midnight and on his way out the door at 7-7:30 in the mornings. He told them he was off this Saturday, they have lots planned for him. 
Life with sisters and he thinks he needs a headband.
Lots of summer time fighting.

He got to play during the girls gymnastics. 

He learned how to use the facet as a water gun and hosed momma and the kitchen.
Cake pops from Starbucks. 

One handed broke the cheap gate.

Fun days sometimes mean exhausted nights. See the window and how bright it was? This was nearly 8:30. 

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