Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Swim team

Hailey Grace began her swim team practices this week. This is a first year swim team she is on to prepare her incase she continues swimming in middle and high school. She will have a couple of events through out the year but mainly this will just be a year of learning more skills and working on endurance. I think 3 laps for a Kindergartener is pretty good for endurance already.
Not only do they swim, they also have fun and make lots of friends. Last night I was ever so thankful for the little boy who danced and shook his hiney that entertained the babies. We laughed and laughed. And for the lady behind us that kept Hudson laughing and smiling. And that the husband was in town to lend a hand, help with kids and routines.  We felt that we belonged and everyone greeted us with open arms. 
Flavor of the day bathing suit.
Swimming will keep us busy.
3-4 weekly practices, one being 30 minutes away and many Friday nights.  Thankful the younger and beginners have practice first allowing to get home earlier. 
Hailey Grace loved it and asked it she could do it every day. We are working on a swim cap but 2 French braids worked last night. HG isn't much into swim caps. 

Monday nights will be late for us. Typically, they are all in bed by 7:30 and even the downstairs tv is off 8-8:30 (even on a volume of 8, it shakes Hudson's room).  But we still weren't home by 7:30 last night. Then ran into friends outside. By 8, I hadn't even started dinner. That is incredibly late for the girls. I managed to whip up a fresh Mexican dinner fairly quickly but we still needed a bath, teeth brushed, story, prayers, kitchen cleaned/mopped, school stuff ready, etc. We didn't plan well but really enjoyed the day and seeing HG so happy.

We are looking forward to more practices and the kick off party next week.

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