Sunday, August 3, 2014

Cuteness overload

We've still be busy lately but enjoying life.
Earlier this week, HG came down with some sort of bug where she ran fever for 72 hours and enjoyed throwing up. Thank goodness for Zofran.
Then Harper got a UTI and we are actually on results if a kidney infection. That was and is a blast. Nothing like crying in the middle of the night when trying to tee tee.  Of course I worried that HG's bug was indeed a UTI and not a belly issue because it can present itself like that.
BUT.. We're doing good and Harper is able to potty without screeching.
I walked around the corner and saw this.
Of course I made her let me take a picture.
Typical Harper.
She started gymnastics last week.
He is too sweet for words.
Two outfits wouldn't snap this morning before we finally snapped a 12 months that he might have unsnapped early afternoon.
In bed early Saturday only to be woken by fireworks.
This was 11.
At least they both slept past 10.
Harper was the last to rise today at 10:20.
Oh Huddy Buddy.
Couch shopping with 3 kids
Loads of fun I tell ya.
Fireworks on a random Saturday night.
He is a llllllllll over the place.
All over the place.
She dang adorable.
Harper is the sweetest, most bubbly kid ever even when not 100%.

Oh my loves.
HG loving on Harper after she was crying.
Like a baby doll.

Working on rooms
Teething anyone?
This squeezes my heart.
Uncle John, Aunt Kendall and cousin Piper sent HG this school backpack.
She was so excited, it was the exact one she was looking at.
School, it is just around the corner.
Noblesville (1 mile north of us) and Indianapolis ISD's start in the morning.
Big boy.
Laundry helper.
Some times with the girls, you just nap where ever you can get it.
In control.
Trying to hold down food.

Things are falling together and we are trying to enjoy our last week of summer here.
I promised to do my best to make it the best last week of summer yet.
We have some friends in Indy this week that we also hope to see.
The Indiana state fair is here, we love fair food.
Visitors are also starting to arrive this month, Mia being the first.
She is coming for a week and we are beyond thrilled.

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