Sunday, December 21, 2014

The germs continue...

I am over here holding my breath and praying that my headache is just that, a headache. And this sore throat is just allergies or a cold.  This week last year began our month of very sick little ones. We kicked off the week with strep for both girls, testing positive for flu on 12/26 and Harper pneumonia. It was a long month recovering then to have me deliver Hudson after only a few days of healthiness. I am hoping that isn't our trend, sick at Christmas. We might do Christmas at Thanksgiving or Christmas in July if this seems to be the trend. Thankfully my favorite doctor called me in some Tamiflu with our kids slowly catching it one by one. Dragging it out.

Sweet girl was running 101 but wanted to play hair dresser.

It hit Harper hard and fast like all things do. Poor girl, one day her immune system will be normal.
Hailey has battled flu then pneumonia in one lung to pneumonia in both. The flu this year is causing more kids and adults to have pneumonia or bronchitis as a secondary infection.
Girl was wheezing bad on Thursday morning so the doctor would not let her leave until it was under control.  She seems to be feel better, coughing pretty bad still but I have not heard much wheezing thanks to two antibiotics and breathing treatments.  She gets rechecked again on Monday.
Loads of laundry, this is a daily amount with 3 sick kids. I have TONS of clean clothes I am scared to carry up the stairs and put away because of the germs.
See, the flu hit her incredibly hard. First issue was around 5 in the morning. I honestly thought strep. We headed to her allergist but throat looked decent so then I thought belly bug. Much to my surprise, she tested positive for both strains of the flu. No wonder why she went down hard in about 6 hours.
She threw up 13 times in the first 6 hours.
Hailey perking up feeding little man a bottle, before the flu took him down.

After allergy testing, it went down hill quickly.

Happy to announce her allergy testing went great. Anything she had issues with have either gone almost or not bad enough to warrant treatment. Her allergist and asthma doctor switched up her daily routine to keep her off one the meds she ends up taking often. It probably has something to do with her tiny size.
Managed a smile after a big dose of medicine.

While he was feeling pretty good two days ago, he crashed hard late Friday into Saturday. Hard. Crying from 10-4 during the night, just down right miserable with coughs. Sure enough, positive for flu and was actually given Tamiflu. While I do not love Tamiflu side effects, it does help. I also like the all natural flu medicine as well and might be switching Harper to it due to major belly issues.

We are holding our breath and praying we will make Texas during the Holidays. Feeling crummy and being contagious is no way to travel so we plan on making that decision early next week. We should be germ free by Christmas but the pneumonia and bronchitis in the babies will linger and make it easier for them to recatch things.  With a two day drive to and from, sick babies would be miserable in the car.

If I didn't have the flu already, I caught it saturday.

I can always see sickness in their eyes.
She tested positive Wednesday and still not feeling well Saturday.
Poor boy at the doctor.  They were amazed at how he was Saturday verses Thursday.  He popped positive quickly on Saturday.
Poor baby boy.  He is still feeling crummy with a bad cough today but praying tomorrow or Tuesday, he is back to normal.  Sadly, we decided to cancel his first birthday party in Southlake yesterday after discussing it with our doctor and between us.  We were in the doctor four times last week because of extremely high fevers, wheezing, flus, etc.  The kids don't need to catch anything else while they recover.  They won't be contagious by the party day but it will be just a day after HG needing to be away from germs for 2 whole weeks.

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