Thursday, November 15, 2012


While our house is still in the recovery period, there are nails and baseboards everywhere.
Concrete is what greets you at the door.
While there is some tile left in the kitchen, it will never be the same.
I cleaned and cleaned it tonight.

Since the downstairs was super loud with fans and very unfriendly to kids, we headed East.
Stopped by to see Poppy and Yaya on our way to Arkansas,.
We played and enjoyed our visit like always.
I think we manage to eat from the time we wake until our heads finally hit the pillows for the night.
 HG worked hard on some of this years Christmas presents.
What do you get those people who have everything?
Painted pottery by HG.
We decided on serving pieces.
She did SO good and is so excited.
 Harper is a dress gal.
She LOVES this dress.
 HG and Brooke's dog Darlin.
 Cookies at the mall
 A serving piece for someone special.
 She even held the paint pen to write the words.

 Harper loves Noah.
She says Puppy non stop.

 Chasing Darlin' and Lucy.
 Poor baby crashed out.
I took her in for an ear ache the day before we left town.
She had been really fussy, low fever and up all night for a few days.
She also had brownish gold nappy thick liquid coming from her ear.
I know ear ache symptoms, I still get them!
Her pedi said that she did have fluid but wanted to see if her tubes were going to fix it and to call if she was running fever next week.
In other words, if she is still miserable next week with fever then no, her tubes didn't clear infection.
Poor girl was miserable, hurting, pullins, up allllllllllll night, just down right miserable.
I let Dr Porter in Texarkana know what had been going on and she got us in the on our way back through.
Poor Harper was in so much pain.
Her left ear was really infected, the tube was even trying to come out.
I know ear infections.
Dr Porter saved the day or is on the way to saving the day  by getting us in, giving her a strong antibiotic and ear drops.
She was still up once an hour last night but her fever was down around 100.8 today.
Hopefully that means the antibiotics are working.
Monday, we will see how the tube and ears are doing.

 This car, she loved.
 Baby girl wanted her purple carrots a little faster.

Playing with Grandma Christine and Grandmommy.
 Don't you just love this kitchen.
If we decide to stay put for another year, I'm repainting our kitchen.
We have the same cabinets.
This is so light and bright, I love it!
 The mall with a silly girl an a sick girl will send you to the looney bin.
 Oh the fall leaves.

 A girl and her dresses.

My girls and their personalities.

Tomorrow is a fun day for us.
Something we have done with the same group for a long time.
I miss last year but will make up for it this year.

One of HG's friends has a parent who is suffering from a brain tumor.
It is growing.
They need all the prayers they can get right now.
My eyes swell and heart aches every time I think about them.

1 comment:

  1. That makes me so sad for your friend who has the brain tumor. I will keep him in my prayers. So hard!

    I love HG's pottery. Where did you guys make it at? I'd love to do something like that with Boyd.

    Harper and her mask...adorable!
