Monday, December 9, 2013

Cabin fever

We woke to all of the highways and some of the main roads in Tarrant County fully shut down so the road crews could work on Sunday morning. We also received notice Saturday night that we were released of our holy day of obligation due to the church parking being fully covered with ice and much to dangerous to attempt.  Many prayers were said for school tomorrow but it is canceled.  The backpacks were at the front door and lunched packed. Surprisingly, the girls were just as sad about it being canceled as I was.  Not as sad as the husband.  You see, he works from home when in town. His office, it has no door and at the front of the house where the two story entry is.  Can we say loud? Between squealing girls, the girls wanting to be in his office which is a big no no and the boys surfing on their wake boards out front, it is kind of hard to get much done.

We are going a little A LOT stir crazy but ever so thankful for electricity. Baking and cooking items from our fridge and pantry have taken over. Toys galore. The husband has been working on his closet and oh the piles he cleaned out.  I mentioned I was going to do my side but he quickly reminded me that nothing would fit right now, I am busting at the seems.

Plastic bins turned into carts.

Harper slept late one morning (8:30) and then snuggled with her babies and Blues Clues.
She LOVES pointing out the clues.

Picnic on the floor.
Goodwill koozie pile has been quite entertaining.

Made roads and parking lots for cars.
Santa is bringing Harper some cars, she just adores them.
Yes, that would be a bat mobile for my pink bling wearing gal.

Frosty has been frozen since Friday.
Maybe tomorrow he will come back to life.

HG has been getting up close to when Harper is ready for her nap.
Here they were, sitting next to each other on Ipads.
Both were watching Netflix, Strawberry Shortcake.

Sleepy head even when Harper was jumping up and down at 10 in the room.

We broke the no food upstairs rule because it was SOOOO cold downstairs.
She thinks anything in a muffn tin is a cupcake.
Except egg or egg white muffins.

Sporting last years Christmas Eve pajamas from Grandmommy.
In the past, it has always been a tradition that she picks out their Christmas pajamas since we spend all day Christmas Eve there.
This year, I took them to Carter's and let them pick out Santa ones since our Holiday schedule changed.
They loved that it is an Elf like Claire Bear.

Trying to stay sane being in doors.
Harper has been super, duper, crazy well and not on breathing treatments or antibiotics.
Praise the Lord!
A few ice pictures from today and yesterday.
Camo will need a new cover for his kennel.
He might need a new belly after eating Harpers lemon scented odor eaters for her UGGS.

Cold pizza and pajamas, their choice.
Lots of Pinterest crafts.

We did manage lunch at Freebirds and a quick stop into Kroger, where they had no produce or milk.

For some reason, some of my post deleted.  I guess that is what I get for blogging after 10 at night when I should really be asleep.  The Voice was calling our names. :)

After lunch, I ran into Kroger while Chris sat in the car watching Strawberry shortcake and Harper sleeping. Kroger was a nightmare, No produce I did score an onion, no latcose free milk of any kind or almond. A few jugs of whole milk and a couple only days away from expiring on soy. YUK! One guy, who wasn't even old or look mean, rammed a buggy into my belly which was hidden under my jacket. This was clearly on purpose and I just happened to walk up at the wrong time. Apparently, those other shoppers weren't moving his cart and he was blocked in. Then, he finally found an escape and I strolled through not having a clue what is going on in this mad house. Just my luck and I did not even have a buggy to ram back. :) Not that I would have. 

Harper and I will venture out this morning to Sprouts in search of fresh fruit and milk. Praying they have some in already. Today was teacher gift day as well for me so she and I will hopefully accomplish that before lunch.  The husband must finish his project for next week. :/  Each week, my activitites get less and less so I must accomplish stuff on days I have designated to activities.  Two days ago, I sat down for 4 hours. FOUR hours. Those who know me know it is hard for me to sit still for 30 minutes much less four hours.  Anything for the baby boy though.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so ready for all of this ice to melt and be gone. The crazies are out in full force at the grocery stores! ugh.
