Lots of Christmas gifts and dozens of treats. Brownie Christmas trees with green icing for HG's class and we ended up taking in FOUR dozen cookies in for the cookie buffet. We rescued Harper from nap time and let her join us watching HG's Christmas program. Harper squealed with delight as Grandmommy walked through the gym doors
Heading to school
I love my doctor's office and I love red velvet bundt cakes. Perfect Holiday treat for them!
Waiting on the kids to arrive.
Singing their little hearts out before the rest of the classes joined them.
Next up was Bass Pro to see Santa.
Heading to school
I love my doctor's office and I love red velvet bundt cakes. Perfect Holiday treat for them!
Waiting on the kids to arrive.
Singing their little hearts out before the rest of the classes joined them.
Next up was Bass Pro to see Santa.
The girls have been asking but time slipped away and then sickness hit.
Both girls were incredibly excited.
Harper asked for a car and HG a Duck Dynasty doll. Thankfully Santa knew that already. :)
Don't even get me started on the DD stuff all over. It blows up my FB and blows my mind what some people write. Who cares what his opinion his in GQ? What I am 100% shocked about that how someone couldn't NOT KNOW that was his opinion. I mean seriously, how did anyone not know?? There are plenty of other tv shows on, lots of other places to eat besides chick Fil a and lots of other places to shop besides Hobby Lobby. People need to move on and realize everyone has their own opinions on what is right and wrong in the bible and life.
Oh I loved smocked Christmas dresses!
Oh I loved smocked Christmas dresses!
Who am I kidding, I love smocked dresses period.
She just stood there and wanted to hold his hand forever.
I will have to admit that I had a 50 four wheeler at 5.
Trying to color until a random kid coughed on Harper and then she had a melt down for no nap.
Trying to color until a random kid coughed on Harper and then she had a melt down for no nap.
I was totally, 100% over our Bass Pro trip.
After heading out, a little fit throwing on the way to the car and goodbye hugs for grandmommy, BOTH girls were asleep.
They were exhausted.
I would say our first Christmas celebration of the season was a success. Now, just praying we didn't pick anything up at school or Bass Pro. One mom in HG's class made the comment that her son was so sick and exhausted but the only reason she brought him was the Christmas program. Seriously? 

Your girls are the cutest and sweetest around. I love them in their cute Christmas clothes. You are so kind and giving with all of your gifts and treats! I bet your doctor's office loved the bundt cake. GIRL...I had left a comment on your IG about DD, but then I deleted it because I never like to rock the boat. You hit the nail on the head with what you wrote here! :)