Friday, October 15, 2010

Spirit Day

Each month at Hailey Grace's school, they have a spirit day. I ordered a short sleeve shirt since we really have more warm days than cool here in Texas. Right? As we went outside Thursday morning, we ran back in to throw an extra shirt on and a jacket. Fall was in the air!



After stopping at CVS and Walmart, I pulled out our fall clothes while she was hopefully learning at school. I must say that our tiny apartment looks like a tornado came through. Today, we are going to accomplish a lot. With a blown light in the master closet. And I really don't want to go to Walmart. AGAIN. I can just take one from a lamp right? But I can't reach it. Even with a chair. Now, I just realized I'm out of Tide.



To enjoy the nice fall weather that has surfaced in the DFW area, HG and I went to the park yesterday evening. She really enjoyed the other children. As we walked to the play ground, she began yelling hey kids, I'm coming. Sooo cute! Daddy made us meals to go from Aspen Creek and we dined outside on the grass.
I put Miss Priss in bed at 1:20 and by 1:32 there was silence. She was up at 6:50 this morning for some odd reason wanting milk. Went back down until 8:12. Those who know her know that I am pulling her out of bed at 8 on school days with her yelling and talking back. She enjoys her sleep like her daddy.
We hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Hailey Grace is off play with her granmommy and grandaddy this evening while Chris and I sneak off to dinner. She hasn't seen them in about 2 weeks so will be really excited when she does. I think a family day at the fair for some yummy food is the plan tomorrow. Can you believe that October is half way over? The weeks are flying by. Or maybe it is just us and our recent busy schedule.

1 comment:

  1. Cute pictures!!! I so wish that Boyd loved his sleep like Hailey. That boy just does not require a lot. It's wearing me out. ugh. Yes, the month is flying by. It's crazy to know that Christmas is right around the corner.....
