Friday, April 29, 2011


You know those days where it starts out perfect, flows perfectly and then the sky falls out?
Today has been one of those days.
The old saying when it rains it pours, stands true for today.
I don't think there is a right or wrong answer.
I might always wonder if I made the right decision.
I might always wonder if I made the wrong decision.
Eating 3 cookies and some cake did help.

I forgot to post these earlier this week.
HG is very comfortable at Dr Porter's office.
She took her quarters from Uncle JD and Aunt Kendall to CEC after the Dr.
Then she had to try out everything at Gander Mountain.

We are boxing up fall/winter items this weekend.

Then taking the remaining containers to storage.

Hopefully we will have everything in plastic containers soon.

That way, we can go through each and every box.

We're going to get rid of a ton.

Donate to shelters.

Some is just headed for the trash.

Others, it will be boxed nicely.

Trying to make the next move as easy as possible.

We're looking at early December late November.

Which would put me at 6 weeks post par tum.

But to be back in a house again, I'd go the following week!

Poor Copper has his bo-hiney shaved as HG says.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

Our cold front is on the way in.

While boxing up HG's clothes, I had to leave out a warm outfit for Monday.

1 comment:

  1. that was lots of boxes!! Geez! :)

    You ok? The beginning of your post sounds like you've had some problems? Or maybe just a rough day? Hope you're doing ok now!

    I'm pooped- headed to bed for the night :)

    Not much longer before we'll be on white sand and clear water!!! ahhhhhh.....
